Chapter 21 - Complications

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Tiara's Pov

After saying that line to Akshit, I quickly dragged Shruti upstairs. Once we were in her room, Shruti playfully remarked, "Ekdum krishna lage che! (You look just like krishna!) What's happening between you two, huh?"

I ignored and deflected, "Nothing. How about you? What's with you?"

Shruti shrugged, "I'm okay, but what about you? Are you alright? You are not upset right, are you?"

I glanced at her before replying in a rush, "Let's not make this about me, okay? I know you. You're always worried about me but rarely share your part. It's not fair to listen to eveyone's problems and not sharing yours, alright?"

Shruti giggled, "Hey, you forgot to take a breath! But seriously, I'm fine. Why are you so worried?"

I sighed, "I can't help but wonder. For the past couple of days, we haven't had a proper chat. You leave for work early and come back late. What's going on?"

Shruti reassured me, "Nothing much, just some roaming here and there."

I persisted, "here and there"? Where have you been running off to? With whom? Something seems off. Come on, spill the beans."

Shruti hesitated, avoiding eye contact, before finally admitting, "Um, actually, Abhi has been acting strange lately. He's been overly attentive, dropping me off and picking me up from work. When I asked him why, he was ranting at the beginning, but when i pushed him a bit, he confessed that he thinks I'm cheating on him."

Hearing Shruti's words, my mind felt like it was going to explode. "Is this guy crazy? He thinks you're cheating on him? Seriously? I've never known anyone more loyal than you, and he has the nerve to think like that about you?"

Shruti tried to explain, "Listen, it's actually the opposite. Lately, I've noticed he's been getting a lot of texts, and when he replies, he smiles a lot. It's like he's acting completely different."

Confused, I asked for clarification, "I don't understand. What do you mean?"
She elaborated, "I think he's the one who's cheating on me."

My shock was evident as I exclaimed, "What? How dare he! We have to do something about this!"

Shruti chuckled lightly, looking at me fondly. "You're my best friend na, you know"
I urged her to share her thoughts, "Just tell me now what's on your mind."
Shruti finally revealed her plan, "He often goes to a club which I know about probably...."

Interrupting her in the middle, I quickly objected, "No. Neither of us is going there. If necessary, I'll find another way to get the information. I will just hack his phone okay but We're not doing this."

Shruti determined said, "But why not? It won't be a big deal. We'll just see who he's with often."
I stood my ground, "No, absolutely not. It's too risky."
"And whatever you are thinking is not? You want to go to jail or what?" Shruti said in a rush.

Shruti persisted, trying to persuade me with treats, "Come on, let's go. I'll treat you to golgappe. And momos too! Please?"
I said without much hesitation, "Nope. Not happening."

As I got up to leave, Shruti made one final attempt, "Hey, we can visit the bookstore too, I promise. I'll even buy you that special edition book you've been wanting. I can't remember the title, but don't worry, I'll get it for you."

Hearing that i considered the offer. C'mon, it's the book and bookstore. I glanced back at her and said, "I will consider that offer, maybe."

Shruti's joy was visible as she exclaimed, "Really? You're coming with me!! Wow!"
I assured, trying to temper her enthusiasm, "Alright, alright, but don't push your luck."

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