Chapter Seven

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A repetitive sound wakes me.

That's when I feel the pain at my head and my left arm and basically my whole-body hurts. But among all, I feel like someone is hitting on my head at every second because the pain I feel in my head is the worst.

I open my eyes. I am in a hospital room. Suddenly, all finds a place in my mind: the break-up, the crash.

I would have preferred to not remember anything.

I'm alive is the first thought which brings a smile on my lips. But even smiling hurts so I stop and suffer in silence, still appreciating this one thought: I'm alive.

"Miss MaCauley, you're awake", says a nurse as she walks towards me.

"How are you feeling? She asks.

-It hurts.

-Where does it hurt?

-My head. And my arm and...

-Everywhere, right?

-Yes", I answer in a breath.

Even speaking is complicated.

"You'll be alright, the nurse replies. You already made it all the way here.

-What do you mean "all the way here"?

-The driver of the other car died, that's what I heard."

My eyes are filled with tears. I'm kind of feeling responsible for the death of the driver, even if he's the one who plowed into ME.

"Anyway, she continues. Your family is here. Can I let them enter? They really want to see you; they were dead anxious when they learnt about the accident and...

-Let them come in, I interrupt her.

-Of course", she replies before going out of the room.

Within seconds, she enters with mom and dad.

"Honey, mom says. How are you feeling? She asks as she bents next to me.

-It hurts, I say.

-It'll be okay, sweetie, says dad as he holds my hand.

-We love you very much, you know that, right? Asks mom.

-I love you too, I reply, crying.

-Why are you crying, my little angel? Asks mom as she tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.

-Did the driver of the other car really died?" I request.

Dad nods and it makes me cry harder.

Mom and dad exchange a look as if they are reflecting about telling me something I don't know.

"What is it?" I ask.

They don't answer anything.


She is crying.


-Sweetie, he whispers. You know this man.

-The one who was driving and who...died?


-Who is it, dad? I cry


Tears are blurring my vision.

"It's impossible, I cry. This can't be him. Mom! Dad! Tell me it's not him."

They don't answer.

I close my eyes and relive the crash. The red truck: Noah's one.

But how is that possible? I just saw this car in his driveway!

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