Chapter Thirteen

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It's been a week since Charlie got out of the hospital. He's alright now but I still worry each time we go out. I try not to make it obvious I'm worrying because I don't want Charlie to think I'm considering him as weak or anything.

I'm not, I'm just worried about him. I hate to see him suffer and last week, I felt so bad for him to feel like that.

He's the kind of guy who don't like that much being helped by others. Even if he is at his worst, he doesn't want other people to see that.

What he doesn't understand is that he IS strong, and people see that in him. But when he has lows like this, he needs to understand asking for help isn't considered as 'weak'.

In the end, Liv didn't come last week but she's supposed to tonight. And Charlie accepted to come have dinner with us. I am really excited about this evening but before that, I must work.

I have a lot of homework I didn't start before even though I know I should have. My phone rings.

Who is calling me now? I need to finish my work!

But when my eyes locked on my phone displaying "My love❤️❤️", a smile comes to my lips.

I answer the phone.

"Hey", I say.

"A., how are you?" Charlie's sweet voice asks at the other end of the phone.

"Trying to work."

"Don't tell me you just started the essay"

I nervously laugh and scratch the back of my head.

"Then I won't say anything", I reply.

"A.", he says, trying to sound mad but he doesn't.

"You have an idea at least?"

"No", I murmur.

"Okay. What about you get up and look through your window?"

"Are you serious?"

"Of course. Think it'll inspire you"

I sigh as I get up and walk towards my window. I open the curtain enough to see outside. In front of the house, I can see a person.

"You didn't", I murmur.

"Waiting for you, A."

I smile:

"Coming right up"


We are walking in the street, eating ice cream.

"So, you did begin the essay, right?" Charlie asks.

"Not yet"


"I don't know what to write it about. What did you choose?"


"You mean..."

"How time is abstract and concrete at the same time, how we created the only limit we have."

"That's so interesting", I say, pensive. "I could never find something that unique"

"Like the professor said, write about something you care about, something that passionates you."

"I'll reflect about that."

"I should leave you to work", Charlie says as he stops in front of my house.

"Inspiration comes when we least expect it to come", I try to convince him to stay with me.

"Come on, A., we'll see tonight", he smiles.

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