Much Ado About Potter

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As the days passed, Draco was becoming very consfused. As it was, he had - albeit reluctantly - mostly accepted his not-hatred for Harry. However, things seemed to be moving rather quickly than preferred, and he wasn't quite sure how to handle it.

Not-hatred, it seemed, had rapidly progressed from a tolerance of Harry to actually wanting to be around him. As well as this, Draco found himself feeling terribly, achingly bad for him. Of course the discovery that Harry was in fact innocent had naturally swayed his original disdain for him, yet Draco wasn't sure it was normal for him to feel quite this opposite about the situation.

He desperately wanted to help him, and Weasley rallying the Gryffindors in opposition of Harry was certainly not helping the issue. Draco was frequently finding himself wanting to replace Weasley as Harry's friend, he would certainly never ditch him to be ridiculed by the entire school.

As it happened, it seemed that Draco's feelings of dislike for Weasley were also developing. He was no longer only believing himself a better choice than Weasley, but feeling a distinctly sour emotion that Harry was still choosing Weasley instead of him.

What did Weasley have that he didn't? I mean, of course Draco didn't actually want to be best friends with Harry. That would be unbearable, it would be like befriending a sentient firework. However, it bothered him that Harry had such poor choice in friends when Draco was right there. He didn't need stupid Weasley to joke around with him in class and make him laugh, Draco could surely make him laugh a hundred times harder than Weasley ever could, given the chance.

He could even take notes for him when he was too distracted to focus. Or walk Harry to classes where he'd normally be alone. Or listen patiently to his fears about the future, and put his arms around him and whisper comfort in his ears, and tell him jokes to wipe the frown off his face, make him forget his worries and hear that wonderful laugh take their place.

What? Merlin, what was wrong with him? He was going insane. Had someone spiked his pumpkin juice? Slipped a spell under his nose? A curse?

Had Harry done something to him?

He wouldn't, surely. But why else would this be happening? There was no explanation. Someone was trying to distract him, or confuse him or something like that. It must be someone close to Harry, if not him then another Gryffindor. Perhaps one of them planted thoughts of Harry to confuse him on purpose, and make him think it was Harry so they'd fight and their plan would fail.

Merlin, had someone figured out they'd time travelled? Had Harry told someone? What if he'd told Weasley and Granger?

Fuck. If Harry had told them, then maybe Weasley could be trying to foil them. Planting evil thoughts about Harry and his charming smile and his musical laugh so that Draco would get confused forget their plan and it wouldn't work. Suddenly it all made sense. Weasley would be wanting revenge on Harry for getting in the tournament, this was the perfect chance!

It had to be it. He had to tell Harry.



Meet me in the Owlery 6 o'clock Monday evening. Don't be late. It's urgent.



After receiving Draco's letter, Harry had panicked. 'Urgent' he'd written. Urgent? What could be urgent? Had someone figured them out? Was he in trouble? Were they in danger?

He wished Draco had written it there. He knew full well he couldn't have safely written the whole thing, but any indication of what was so urgent certainly would've been appreciated. He tried to crush his panic all through Sunday, taking out most of his fear through the Quidditch practice they'd had. Even after that though, he still felt nervous.

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