Just in a Friend Way, Though!

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Harry had a problem.

Not a dragon-related problem, or a Triwizard problem, or a grades or friendship or even a Dark-Wizard-who-wants-me-gone problem.

Harry had a romance problem.

Which, unfortunately, never seem to get easier with age. Despite being technically fourteen, he had an extra three years of romantic experience over his classmates and was still struggling. Although, his extra experience was a part of the problem.

Harry couldn't find a date. He'd realised almost immediately that asking Ginny was out of the question, she was thirteen, which had felt slightly wrong even when they'd been only a year apart, and now he was four years older. That felt uncomfortably inappropriate, as well as the fact he found himself no longer attracted to her. Perhaps it was the fact she was now thirteen, or maybe the stress of the whole time travelling ordeal had diminished any possibility of attraction, what it was he did not know. He only knew that he didn't like her that way anymore.

He also couldn't ask Cho. He'd made that mistake the first time, and while she was admittedly very beautiful and seemed like a nice person to be with, the one date they had gone on in fifth year was wholly unsuccessful. Cho was not only enamoured with Cedric even after his death, but she was also sensitive. Harry needed someone who could handle his intensity and his issues, she was not that person.

They were incompatible, and that was that.

So that left him with far fewer options than he'd had the first time around. He supposed he could ask Hermione, as a friend of course, however she'd undoubtedly say yes and consequently turn down Krum, and it felt wrong to deprive her of such an evening. He couldn't ask Luna, as at this point in his life they were not yet friends, he couldn't ask any of the other Gryffindor girls because he felt he didn't know them well enough. He wanted to enjoy it this time around. He wanted to be with someone he liked.

Therefore, Harry found himself asking Ron.

It seemed a safe option, they were close friends, and they knew they enjoyed their time together. It would certainly be better than the catastrophe that was their company before.

Ron, however, did not agree.

Apparently going with Harry would deprive him of a prime opportunity to chat up a pretty girl, and although he was apologetic, Harry still felt slightly put out.

It was as he had been in the Greenhouses with Neville, his usual Wednesday activity of late night Herbology and amicable discussion, that it struck him.

"-and so, I don't think Ron'll be too upset. She can make her own decisions. Plus, he knows I would never take advantage of her or anything, and I'm quite a good dancer. She'll have fun."

Neville was giving a rather lengthy monologue about why Ron shouldn't be angry about his going to the ball with Ginny. Harry was perfectly content to just listen, occasionally nodding or humming in agreement, when he suddenly had an idea.

"Oh my god!"

Neville dropped the pot he was filling, it slipped to the floor with a sounding crash, soil spilling across their shoes.

"Oops! Sorry Harry!" Neville exclaimed, scrambling to spell away the mess.

"No, that's alright. You're fine Neville, let me do it." Harry waved his wand, wordlessly replacing the soil back into the newly repaired pot.

"You can do wandless magic?" Neville gasped.

Harry flushed.

"I mean, it's not really- It's kind of just- well, yeah."

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