chapter 2

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The caller - Am i talking to MRS. SHAN?
Mrs. Shan - YES.
The caller - You have been accepted to become the secretary. The CEO has called you to his office at 19th floor for a small meeting at 09:00am . Hope to see you soon. And thank you.
Mrs. Shan - Thank you.
And hanged the call. She was in shock. It was 7:00am and she had just 2 hours, still in shock, she jumped from the bed. She went to take a shower and wore a beautiful dress, ate a little food and then did some makeup and packed her bag and walked to the company, she was having so many thoughts like 'how her first day will be ?', 'how the CEO look like?' and etc.

[In the company]
Mrs.Shan walked in and everyone was gossiping, she felt embarrassed and quickly walked into the elevator click on 19th floor's botton and she waited for some time, she was alone in the elevator. The lift reached 19th floor and when she saw a man standing outside the elevator, he introduced himself as Jackson, who was the body guard of the CEO and told her to follow him , he leaded her to the office. After she knocked, she heard a familler voice saying "come in" . She got into the room THE CEO ordered his body guard to stand outside. Till now Mrs. Shan didn't saw the face of the CEO but after his body guard left, he turned to the mrs.shen and to her surprise , he was her best friend form childhood (A.N. why didn't she search about the company before she admitted for the job?!?! Well I am the author but i also don't know either.😅😅)
The CEO- Remember me dear friend ?
Mrs.Shan- How could I forget? You left and went to Australia for higher studies and then did even called or texted me.
The CEO - Neither did you.
Mrs.Shen - I was waiting for you . You dummy.
The CEO - Back to business. So i am SHEN ZHEYUAN
Mrs. Shan - I know you dumb ass.
The CEO- Please don't tell this words , I am still 1 years older and also the CEO.
Mrs. Shan - Yeah, whatever. So, i am SHEN LU SI.

(I am sorry guys for the late, I was a little busy and also i have an exam after the vacation ends , so wish me best of luck.)

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