chapter 4

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[ IN 20th MAY, 2007 ]

9:00 am
In room no. 143, a loud crying was heard . Yuan was sitting on a chair between, Lin Zhi Xiao and Gu Wei, who were also a married couples and also have a baby. From Yuan's eyes some drop of water roll down and fell on the floor, the other two trying to comfort him saying "YOU ARE GOING TO BECOME A DAD" and other motivating words.

After sometime a DOCTOR came out of the room and told
The doctor - Your delivery is done safely and you have 3 boys also the eldest one is a pure omaga and the other 2 are also omaga. Mr. Shan, you are really a lucky man and blessed by the all mighty God.

[After 5 years]

Ricky is almost 5 years old, his parents decided to send him to ELEMENTARY SCHOOL {LKG and UKG} and when he was supposed to go to middle school, they moved to AUSTRALIA .


Ricky admitted in St Andrews Cathedral School , which was number one school in Sydney. (I am sorry, but please don't mind the school's name.)


It was morning 5:00 am and the alarm rang , he quickly woke up, turned off the alarm and he sat up. " I am already 8 years old and i have my own room, my own gadgets, own cycle, i also have my own life and my own secrets, i have everything and just have to use them " Ricky thought. And just after that he heard a knock at the door, he told,
Ricky - Yes, please come in..
And just after he said the words , the door opened and two of his angel yet crazy brothers entered the room and jumped on the boy who was still sitting on the bed, all of them were wearing pajamas. They started hugging Ricky , cause both of them {Minho and Felix} thinks Ricky as elder brother even though they are twins. After cuddling and hugging Ricky for almost 5 minutes , their mother came and stood outside the door, which was already opened.

(Hope you like this chapter. Also, guess what will happen in the next chapter, let me know the ideas in comment.)

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