Chapter 14

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Two Months Later...

Knock! Knock!
I give Noah's front door two hard taps, and I hear footsteps and voices as the door opens.
"Beck, good to see you! Noah will be down in just a moment," Noah's dad says.
"Good to see you too, Rabbi Ackerman! And very good to see you, Kal," I say, bending down to give Noah's dog a pet. Ever since Noah and I started dating, we've had family dinners, where his family will have dinner at my house, or vice versa. This means, of course, that I've fallen in love with Noah's pug Kalev, or Kal for short (which apparently means dog in Hebrew). Kal tries to give my face a lick, but I hold him off.
"Hey, no ruining my makeup," I say, scolding Kal. "I can't go to a Fairy Tale Dance if I don't look magical!"
It's a Sunday night, and tonight is the night I've been waiting for ever since I was elected Sophomore President. The Fairy Tale Dance. I'm wearing a baby blue tuxedo, which will hopefully work well with Noah's peach one, and I even got Leah to do some subtle sparkly eyeshadow on me. I feel like a wizard's apprentice, on my way to the royal ball. I'm snapped out of my fantasy as Noah comes down the stairs.
"Dios mio," I whisper to myself. He's wearing the peach tuxedo we picked out together, but somehow I can still see his muscles. His hair is finely combed, and maybe it's just me, but his blue eyes shine a little brighter.
"Beck! You look amazing!" He walks over and kisses me. When he pulls away, he flashes me those dimples, and I smile back.
"Love you!" Noah's dad says as we start to leave "Have fun at the dance, boys!"
Mr. Ackerman shuts the door as Noah and I make our way to my mom's parked SUV. Tara and Jocelyn are already in the car waiting when we get in.
"We're all ready?" my mom yells from the front of the car as Noah and I buckle our seatbelts. After an affirmation from everyone, we begin our journey to the school building. It's still hard to believe that there are only a couple of weeks left in the school year. It's even harder to believe that I still haven't said those three special words to Noah: I Love You. I'd promised myself that I would say it before the school year ended, but I still haven't found the courage.
"So tell us, Beck, how amazing does the dance look?" Tara asks from the middle of the car where she's sitting with Jocelyn. She's wearing an amethyst purple-colored Cinderella-style dress, while Jocelyn is wearing a Mad-Hatter-inspired suit that perfectly compliments her blue highlights.
"For the millionth time, I don't know!" I say with a laugh. "I simply provided the idea, and the Sophomore Dance Planning Committee made it a reality!"
Noah's phone lights up with a text, and I get a glimpse of his home screen as he unlocks his phone. It's the picture of the sunset I took for him, all those months ago.
"We're here!" my mom yells a little excitedly as if she's the one going to the dance. "Everybody out."
We pile out of the SUV, and I'm the last to leave.
"Beck?" my mom says. "I love you, and have fun."
And as I'm about to shut the door, she says one more thing.
"And stay safe! Always wear protection!"
"Mamá! Para ya!" I tell her to stop as my face turns red. "Love you!"
I walk up the steps to the gym entrance as my mom drives away. Tara and Jocelyn have already gone inside, but Noah's waiting for me.
"What'd she say?" Noah asks inquisitively.
"You don't even want to know," I say with a laugh. We make our way into the gymnasium, which is now a fairy tale land. Decorations clutter every wall, and a disco ball hangs from the ceiling, along with banners that give the impression of a castle.
"The SDPC really outdid themselves," I say, taking it all in.
"C'mon, let's dance!" Noah says, pulling me onto the dance floor as the music fills the room.
    The night is winding down, which only means one thing: the big announcement is coming soon. At every school dance, there's always some sort of couple award, even if the pair aren't a real couple. Everyone at the dance votes for two people, and they always win a prize or something. In this case, the pair is 'Fairy Tale Royalty', as the SDPC has declared.
    "Who did you vote for?" I ask Noah, as the spotlight focuses on the little podium, where the head of the dance committee is about to speak.
    "Tara and Jocelyn. You?" he responds.
    "Same. I hope they win!!" I say, crossing my fingers.
    "Attention Sophomores!" Gabriella, president of the SDPC, says. "Over the course of the night, you have all voted for your Fairy Tale Royalty, and the winners will be announced momentarily. Remember, if your name is called, come to the dance floor so we can give you your crowns! Ok, drumroll please?"
    The whole dance starts to make a drumroll on their tables.
    "And the winners are... Beck Murphy and Noah Ackerman!"
    I give Noah a look of surprise as we make our way to the center of the gym, everyone clapping around us.
    "Congratulations you two! You are now Fairy Tale Royalty!" Gabriella says as she places a plastic sparkly crown on each of our heads. "Now dance!"
    And as the music starts to play, confetti begins to fall on our heads. Everyone makes their way to the dance floor, and when Noah and I kiss, a cheer erupts from the crowd. Noah puts one hand on my waist and I put mine on his. We intertwine our other hands and dance slowly to the music. As the confetti falls, through the noise of the crowd, I lean into Noah and say the one thing I've been holding in for months.
    "I love you."
    Noah looks at me, with his restless blue eyes, and whispers back.
    "I love you too."

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