Chapter 1

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Mya POV:

It was end of summer and the start of my junior year at the University of Connecticut. Since I've passed all of classes In time, no summer school for me. I think I did well for a transfer student from Minnesota state. It's nice to have a fresh start to mess, no bullshit coaches, and no bullshit friends. I hadn't made lots of friends but Faye and Marie are just the friends I need. They aren't here with me now but hopefully they'll come back to visit me soon.

The downside of summer was volleyball conditioning... at least I'm stronger right? The volleyball team doesn't get much attention but it's enough for me, just love the game not here for the fame (A/N BARS). The only sport that gets the attention around here is the football and basketball team. Especially the women's basketball team. People that don't even go here always ask me do I see them walking around the school like I'm supposed to know. I hardly ever see them.

Anyways I'm excited for volleyball season because I've been getting stronger since last year and I'm with a new team this year with a fresh start. So it's like I'm starting over with a better attitude. My dad didn't like the idea of me away that far anyway clinging ass. Hopefully he lets me be, since I'm at school as much as him now.

I've been lounging around all day so I decided to get up and go to chipotle for lunch. I grab my keys and head to my car. I pull up, open the door, and walk in. Speaking of the women's basketball team I see like 3 of them together. Funny. I see Paige, Nika, and Azzi I walk up the counter to order and they are at a table eating.

I took a quick glance at them just to see if it was them but just a glance not a stare or anything like that, didn't want to scare them. I finish ordering and payed, the cashier handed me my cup, and I go to fill up my cup. While I'm getting my drink I see this tall blonde haired girl stand next to me. She sees me putting Dr. Pepper in my cup and says "Coke on top".

"Whattt, that shit crazy" I say

"Yup hate to break it to ya" she says backing up with her hand up.

"You ain't breaking nothing to me I know Dr. Pepper on top" I say with full confidence.

"Ehh" she says

"Wait your name is Mya right? Your a transfer from Minnesota right?" She asks

"Yea I am, how'd you know" I say

"Oh well I'm from Minnesota and I follow the University of Minnesota page and they made a post about it" she says

"Oh yea they sure did" I say

"Why'd you leave anyways, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to" she says asking politely

"Yea I don't wanna get into that at the moment" I say

"Ok that's fine, nice meeting you I'm Paige by the way I hope to see you more often" she walks back to her seat.

"Yea I know who you are, nice meeting you too!" I smile

I turn around and see Azzi and Nika looking at me with a smirk. I give them a suspicious look. I walk out with my food and drink because I wasn't planning on staying to eat.

Good thing I don't have to stay on campus because I missed my bed too much anyways. I make it home, put my keys on the hook, and sit down to eat my food. Scrolling on my phone on instagram I see that UCCON is titled best college for sports fans. Hmm.

It's getting late so, my mom and dad should be getting here soon for all day shopping. I swear they are the only people who do before school shopping for their child who is in college. Since they aren't here yet I decided to take my shower and get ready for bed...

Time skips to when I'm out of the shower...

I start getting tired of being on my phone, so I walk downstairs to bake some cookies. I look in the pantry to see sugar cookies and chocolate chip. I take the chocolate chip cookie mix and start baking. Once I put the fixing of the cookie mix, I roll them into balls, spray the pans, and put the them in the oven.

To kill time I cut on the tv and put on this show on Netflix called school spirits. It's pretty good. I heard my favorite song in the first episode so I had to lock in.

As time pass by my cookies are done and taste amazing.

My mom and dad walks in with tons of bags. "Mmm I smell cookies" my dad sniff the air "mm chocolate chip too" my mom adds. "Well hello to you too" I say.

"Hi honey, now get these bags from me" my mom says. I take the bags as she takes a cookie from the plate. "So you gave me these bags so I can help or so you can eat those cookies" I say.

"Both." She says. I turn to my dad. "Do you want me to get the bags from-" I get cut off.

"Oh Mya you know me so well" Dad says as he gives me the bags to go eat cookies with mom.

"So honey are you excited for volleyball season to start?" Mom asks. "Yea, official practice starts in august " I reply

"But you do know you have to practice by yourself before the actual practicing right? That how you get strong Mya" dad says.

"Well yea but I was hoping to get some time to myself" I say. "Okay, just wanting you to be the best you can be" he adds.

Whatever. He better not ruin this season for me with all this pressure. Acting like I can't get a damn break, the hell I can't.

I get all of the stuff out of the bags and see a bag with Aeropostal brand on there.

"Mom you didn't" I say in denial.

"Oh yes I did, look" she says with a genuine smile

I look in the bag... "Oh my gosh you got me the lounge set with the flared sweatpants"

I jump up and give her a hug. "Look at what else I got you." She pointed at the new balance box.

"New balances are you kidding me?" With a surprised look on my face.

I opened the box and she the navy blue new balances 2002r. I give her another tight hug.

"That was from your dad" she says

"What! Thank you dad so much" I give him a tight hug. I run up stairs with me new to go try it on.

I'm so happy everything fits. After I tried everything on I put my pjs back on.

While I'm sitting on my bed my phone buzzes and I get this notification from instagram.

*paigebueckers followed you*
*paigebueckers liked your post*

I checked my phone and my jaw dropped completely. How come she wants to follow me. Don't tell it was from the little conversation about dr.pepper and coke. Plus how did she even find my instagram or know my name. Then, my phone buzzes again.

*nikamuhl just followed you*
*Azzi35 just followed you*
*Caroline_Ducharme3 just followed you*

Uh what the hell is going on right now. Why are these basketball players just follow me all of a sudden. This is weird then Paige liked my recent post. Why do I feel like they're talking about me right now.

Maybe this a coincidence, I'm just gonna sleep this off and think nothing about it.

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