Chapter 7

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Mya POV:

After all the practice and drilling in the morning. I finally have volleyball practice I'm actually excited. I haven't really bonded with the girls yet. I'm new so I don't expect them to bond with me the first time see of course it takes time. Practice starts at 2:30 it's 1:45 right so I'm gonna start getting ready.

Time skip to after getting ready

I grab my bag with my extra knee pads, water bottle and volleyball shoes. I already have my arm sleeve on. It's 2:15 right now so I'm going to go downstairs and grab my keys. "Alright look who ready for volleyball practice" dad says

"Yea I am" I say walking towards the door

"Okay, I want you to work hard today" He says to me

"I will" I say closing the door and walking towards my car.

As I'm driving I get a call Paige, I answer the call through my car. "Hey baby" she says. That makes me blush so hard.

Hey, how are you
I'm doing fine how are you
I'm good, whatca doing?
Oh I'm on my way to the gym right now just to shoot around.
Wait if you're in the gym where are the volleyball players practicing?
Oh they practice at the volleyball center, how come you dont know where your team is practicing? Haven't yall been doing conditioning this summer?
I don't know because we did conditioning in the gym.
Ohh okay are you on the way here?
Okay well when you get here I can I show you where it is
Okay see you later I'm around the corner
Okay see you later

I hang up as I turn around the corner and park into the parking lot. I text Paige that I'm outside the gym. After waiting a few minutes, I see her coming outside. "Hey Mya" she comes gives me a hug. "Hey" I say

"I see you ready for practice" she says checking me out and starts walking me to the center

"Yea I am" I say walking after her

"Lemme see what shoes you got in that bag girl" She says

I open the bag and show her my Kyrie 7's. "Ouu girl you gon burn a hole in the floor with them shoes" she says making me laugh

"Thank you I used them since I started playing D1 volleyball" I say

"Are you excited to be playing with a new team?" She asks me

"Yea, I don't really know them yet but hopefully their nice" I say

"And if they're not we can beat their ass" She says with a smile on her face.

"yea we can" I say

She stops walking and tells me that this is the center. "Alright this is it" she says. "Okay thank you for showing me" I say. I start walking towards the locker room. "Wait Mya" She says to give me a quick kiss before leaving. "Have fun, bye" She says walking out. "Bye" I say. I hope no one saw us because that's going to be the top discussion during interviews.

I go in the locker room to go put my shoes on. I see a couple girls talking about us going against Penn State on the 24th. I heard they're pretty good, but I'm confident in this team. The assistant coach walks in "Alright ladies on court in 5 minutes". We all shook our head yes and ran out on the court.

"Okay ladies we are going to start with 5 laps around the gym to get that energy. You can sprint or jog I don't care just don't walk" Coach says

I run the 5 and make it back before everyone else. I see coaches face and see impressed and writes something down on her clipboard. Everyone else is done running and now it's time for serving.

"Alright everyone if we all the serves over you don't have to run again but... if you miss more than 5 serves you are going to run again." Coach blows the whistle

Alright just miss five? I got this. I start serving, not missing any so far then I see 7 seconds on the clock and miss one. Shit! It's out of me and this girl with red hair that only missed one. The red haired girl saw me miss my serve at the last second and patted me on the back and said "Your good, shake it off". I smiled and thanked her and told her she did good too.

"Good Job ladies, I'm really proud you guys only missed two serves." Coach says

I'm feeling good about this practice right now.

Time skip to after practice.

Practice was good I believe I worked hard today. Now It's time to go home. I leave to the center and go put my stuff in my car. I wonder if Paige was still in the gym, I go in and I see her shooting free throws. She sees me and start running towards me.

"Hey baby" she says giving me a hug

"Hii am I interrupting your practice" I say blushing

"No I was just wrapping up" she says

"Really? I don't want you to stop because of me. I just wanted to see you before I left" I say

"Yeah, stay right here I'm going to go change" She says running to the locker room.

"Okay" I say.

As I'm waiting I decide to play around with the basketball. I start dribbling, try making a layup and miss. I get the ball, try to get a three, I shoot and it goes in. "Ouu don't play with you" I hear Paige coming up from behind me. "Mhm get into that" I say like I didn't miss that shot.

"Don't get cocky I saw you miss that layup" She says pulling my waist closer to hers. "Well that's none of your business" I say putting my arms around her neck.

"Right..." she looks around to make sure no one is in the gym. She leans in and kisses me. I kiss her back. We kiss till we hear the door open. We quickly pull apart to see it's just a couple of the boys basketball team. "Hey P" one of them say. "Hey dude" she's says dabbing him up. He looks at me and asks who I am

"I'm Mya" I say

"Hi Mya I'm Samson" he says holding his hand out for me to shake it. I shake it.

"Alright bro ill catch you later" Paige waves bye

And we walk out. "So how was practicing" she asks me

"It was good I feel like I really worked hard today." I say

"That's great, so when is yall first game?" She asks

"The 24th, we go against Penn state" I say

"It's a home game?" She says

"Yes, you coming?" I ask

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it" She hugs me.

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