Chapter 87

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 The day before, the scandal that broke out of the marketing account "Specialized Love Breaking News" made everyone very suspicious and discussed.

However, when the two gossip male protagonists generously exchanged favorites and posted photos, the gossip that had been passed on before suddenly turned into smoke and dissipated in this circle, and some things are like this. The more you try to justify the cover-up, the easier it is for things to go in an irreparable direction.

On the contrary, the relationship between the two as friends was revealed generously, and after netizens laughed, they no longer took this matter to heart.

And Song Shirin took this move.

In fact, Song Shirin doesn't have to open a micro-broadcast account in one more move, but in order to be able to visit the class and swear sovereignty more openly in the future, this move must be taken.

Sister Li, who had been worried at home all night, was immediately relieved after seeing the reversal of this matter.

Whatever the truth, at least things are now on a good note.

On the other side, Ye Hang, who watched Bai Yu turn things into danger again, smiled disdainfully, his eyes full of anger.

Ye Hang's new drama was broadcast in the past two days, and when the trailer was just released, it won a lot of applause, and it was hyped on the Internet, so he was fluttering during that time.

But when the feature film was broadcast, it didn't make any waves on the Internet at all, and the Hwaseong Forum didn't even score five points for the new film!

Ye Hang, who has always been very proud, felt embarrassed.

He couldn't accept the reality of his failure, especially to the one surnamed Bai!

The Benben Song family occupies a very important position in the business community of Hwaseong, and their company operates a variety of different brand industries under its name, and is involved in a wide range of fields.

Therefore, it is not easy to win the spokesperson of Song's brand image.

An Lin, who signed two consecutive contracts with the Song family, was full of confidence that they would continue to renew the contract with her this year, because she was very confident in her appearance and popularity, and she was the only female member of the variety show Eliminate Tornado, and she showed a cheerful and generous personality, and she had countless fans for a while, so her popularity was very hot.

But what she never expected was that when the contract was almost over with a month left, Song had not sent someone to negotiate with her about renewing the contract, so she felt very panicked.

"You go and ask what's going on, there's still a month left before the contract expires, and there's no reason why they shouldn't renew it with me." An Lin urged the agent.

The agent also doesn't want to give up this opportunity to endorse, not to mention that the endorsement fee given by the Song family is very high, just talking about the position of their jewelry brands and mobile phone brands in the young group, they are reluctant to give up at all.

But when the agent tried to contact the person in charge of the other party, the other party's vague attitude made them instantly understand that they were replaced.

A month later, An Lin, who had a lot of complaints about this, stayed on Song's official website, waiting to see who they signed with!

opened the video sent by Song, and suddenly it went dark in front of the screen, and before An Lin and his agent could react, the next second, the screen lit up with a white light.

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