Chapter 131

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Bai Yu suppressed his anger.

Bai Yu wants to destroy the world.

The demon in Bai Yu's heart was constantly roaring, but with a gentle smile on his face, he beckoned gently to the stupid son hiding outside the door, and said, "Baby, come here, okay?"

The little watermelon hesitated, her eyes flashing with heartbeat, but her feet still didn't dare to walk in.

Seeing this, Bai Yu made persistent efforts: "Baby, I miss you so much, come over and let Dad hug me."

Little Watermelon stepped into the door with one foot, hesitated for a moment, and then stepped in with the other.

But the little watermelon still didn't dare to come over, he only dared to stand at the door far away, and said squirmingly: "Baba, am I good-looking?"

As he spoke, the little watermelon spun around in place expectantly.

Bai Yu: "..."

He saw it.

He saw the bare head of his stupid son, not only the handful of hair on the door of the head had been cut off, but even the little braid on the back of the head!

Yes! Finish!

Not far away, the bare cerebellum of the little watermelon looks extraordinarily bald and bright under the illumination of the chandelier.

Bai Yu was laughed at angrily. Because he found that the bald little watermelon was like a giant moving light bulb.

Seeing that Bai Yu finally smiled, the little watermelon dared to come over, rubbed Bai Yu's chest with his bare head, and said aggrievedly: "Daddy shaved my hair."

Bai Yu's eyes darkened, Song Shirin, a conscienceless thing, went to cut the boy's hair after sleeping, he was really a scumbag.

"Daddy said boys can't have braids, bully, is that true?" The little watermelon looked at Bai Yu with a thirst for knowledge, and the little peach blossom eyes were full of puzzlement, "Why can't boys keep braids."

Bai Yu caressed the child's bare head lovingly, well, it was not as slippery as imagined, it was a bit like scrub, he said: "He is right, boys really can't wear braids."

The little watermelon was angry, and he didn't stick to Bai Yu anymore, so he sat on the side angrily and said, "Then why do you want to keep braids for me."

Bai Yu poked the child's bulging face with his fingers, and said with a smile: "Because I think braids are cute, don't you think?"

Little Watermelon hesitated, not knowing whether to nod or shake her head.

Song Shirin happened to walk in from outside, and when he heard this, he immediately reprimanded with a straight face: "What's the matter with boys with braids, cuteness is to describe girls."

The little watermelon nodded in agreement on the side, obviously being reversed by Song Shirin.

Two votes for one vote, Bai Yu can only go with the flow. But he secretly made up his mind in his heart that when the little watermelon's hair came out, he would shave a peach blossom or an Arabic numeral on the child's head.

Song Shirin sensed that something was wrong and was vigilant: "What are you thinking about?"

Bai Yu waved his hand with a smile, not startling the snake, and changed the topic and said, "I didn't think about anything." Dinner is ready, I'm hungry."

Seeing him like this, Song Shirin vaguely sensed what he wanted to do, and said with a cold face: "Don't use your brain, otherwise I will let him keep his bald image all the time." "

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