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After spending two more days down in the med bay, I finally got fed up. I was actually feeling very claustrophobic down there because of how small the room was. Being in a cell for two years and then the doors of death just made the two of us very awkward in enclosed spaces.

I should probably explain that.

Time works differently in Tartarus. It took us two weeks to get to the doors and cut the chains, but after we were captured by the monsters, we were taken to a deeper part of the hell land where we were locked in a cell. Time went slowly there. Two days in the real world was actually two years down there.

So once the rest of the seven reached the doors of death and cut their chain, Tartarus actually let us go. Naturally there was a deal, I'd have to carry Annabeth to the door. Now, usually that's okay, but I believe my whole leg situation had already been explained and Annabeth was unconscious so it was hard to walk practically a whole mile to the door without falling once.

But I did it.

Because I had to bring my Wise Girl home.

I was willing to stay behind in Tartarus to hold the button so that Annie could go up, but then Tartarus actually sent us both up because, and I quote, "my wife wants you two as her sacrifice so I can't torture you to death down here."

That was nice to know.

Anyway, back to the actual point (dam you ADHD). After two days, Annabeth helped me go upstairs and the two of us went into my room. That was not up for debate. We both just ignored everyone's awkward and pitiful stares and Coach Hedge's stupid remarks about not sharing a room and just lay down.

They cleaned us up a bit, wiping away most of the blood and grime, and wrapped us up in bandages they had to change frequently because of how much they were bleeding.

I should probably explain that too.

Before we actually went up the elevator, Tartarus placed a curse on us. Now, this was more than just a curse by any random monster or us killing one of the Arai, this was a curse by the embodiment of Tartarus himself. For the next 100 days once we reach the surface, our wounds will not heal and no healing powers will work. That's why the ambrosia and nectar and my water powers didn't help and why our injuries weren't even getting the slightest better, even after using mortal medicine. There was a brand on both of our chests, on our right shoulders, that marked this curse being placed on us.

"Hey Beth," I murmured, gently caressing her hair. She cupped her hand around my cheek, this moment speaking more than words itself. We both just spend time lying down together in bed, just our presence being enough to fight anything bad in the world.

"How are we going to live like this Seaweed Brain? Gods Percy it hurts, everything hurts so much. And now, with the curse!..." Annabeth exclaimed, her eyes filling with tears. I hated seeing her that way. I missed the fearless girl I remembered. She is still brave and strong, Hades, to survive what we both did, we both were stronger than strong, but we've both just seen too much.

I'm tired of all this too.

"I don't know Wise Girl," I admitted. "I don't know what to do. I hate being in this much pain. I hate seeing you in this much pain. And what about the rest of the seven? Do we tell them what happened? We barely even talked to them once we came back!"

"No! I don't want to tell them yet. I'm not ready. They already look at us like we're broken. I don't want to tell them what really happened. Not yet anyway."

"Okay then, we can wait."

Annabeth continued to stare at me, not even making a sound as she cried. That was a talent we both learned down in Tartarus. How to scream and cry without noise.

Lost In Memories and Curses (PJO HOO STORY)Where stories live. Discover now