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It had been some time since the last incident, when Jason and I caught Percy having a panic attack in the shower and Annabeth holding him. To be honest, it was as scary as Hades. I felt so powerless, so weak. What's the point of being the stupid daughter of Aphrodite? I can barely even do anything! And the one thing I'm supposed to be good at, words, I'm even failing at right now. Why can't I just be able to speak a few things to them and make them all better!

They look all healed anyway... still extremely skinny and pale, but they're injuries seem to be all healed for the most part.

Well, I mean, I really can't say for certain. Sometimes I catch them hissing in pain whenever they bump into something and they both still rely on each other to walk (I want to tell Leo to make them crutches or something, but it may just hurt their pride). I just brushed it off as a side effect after Tartarus.

I was staying in my room, trying to get a nice nap before I have to take the night watch, when Jason walked in and sat down next to me on the bed. Jason was always so cute, even without trying, whenever he came into my room. He always looked so flustered and ready to bolt, but I knew he was just nervous. I used to get really jealous of Annabeth and Percy and how easy it was between them. How their heart seemed to just ache whenever they couldn't see each other. I just eventually learned that they had one thing we didn't: time. They had been best friends for years before starting to date. They went through so much together: one whole war, half of another one, kidnapping, hell, need I go on? Jason and I will just need some time to get to the same place but, till then, I'm happy for them.

"What's up Sparky?" I asked, grinning as he rolled his eyes at the nickname.

"I told you to stop calling me that!" he whined playfully, finally relaxing and leaning against the bedrest. He continued talking, this time much softer. "I'm really worried about them. I know they're trying and I hate seeing them like this and I—"

"Jason, we can't spiral down like that... I was literally just having the same thoughts. But what happened has happened, we can only blame the fates for being so cruel to them. Now, all we can do is just be a good friend. Support them. You're right, they are trying. And we'll be there for them as they recover."

Jason just replied with a half hearted smile, as if just agreeing to appease me. I didn't have the heart to argue.

"Don't you think it's weird we didn't have a single monster attack in a while?" Jason asked. Now it was time for me to roll my eyes. I slapped my forehead at his stupidity.

"Great, genius! Why don't you jinx everything and give me like fifty attacks while I have to take the next watch!"

"Hey! That's not what I meant It's just, what I'm trying to say is," he started again, his face red from suddenly realizing that he broke rule number one of all demigods (never, and I mean ever, ask why there hasn't been an attack; that's basically asking for it!). "Pipes, we haven't had a single attack since Percy and Annabeth came home."

I took in what he said and swallowed down the heavy lump that settled inside my throat. I knew he was right and I'm pretty sure the others had noticed it too.


"No wait, I'm not trying to make any assumptions or mean anything weird. I'm just pointing it out Pipes, it's really weird."

"You're right," a new voice said. Jason and I looked over to the doorway to see a semi-angry looking Nico burning a stare right into us. "You're right, it is weird. But there are things happening right now that neither of you can understand and I'm not allowed to explain. So why don't you just shut up and move on."

Lost In Memories and Curses (PJO HOO STORY)Where stories live. Discover now