Chapter 33

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I'm keeping my promise that
I will be wherever you are..


Next morning Jungkook woke up with a badly aching body and a sore bottom. He tried to move his body but the pair of strong arms around his waist didn't let him.

That's when he remembered their last night's activities, making him blush like a ripe tomato. He noticed that he was completely clean and was wearing one of Taehyung's loose t-shirts with nothing in the bottom whereas Taehyung was just wearing a pair of shorts and was shirtless.

Jungkook was one hundred percent sure that his fiancé will be the death of him, one day.

Fiancé - now that Jungkook think about it. He can't believe it that Taehyung is his now. Only his. He's not Jungkook's boyfriend but his Fiancé. Now Jungkook can officially say that Kim Taehyung belongs to him, by showing off his engagement ring.

Ahh! The feeling of being Taehyung's fiancé is something else only. He surely can't explain it into words how he feels right now. I mean if you ignore his physical pain which is happening because of the amount of sex they've had last night, which was five freaking rounds to be exact and just focus on his feelings then Jungkook feels euphoric.

Taehyung seriously is the cause of Jungkook's Euphoria. He makes him happy, satisfied, at peace and most important at Home. Taehyung is Jungkook's home. A place/person he would never want to lose.

People might call him weird or obsessive for accepting Taehyung even after everything that happened in their past but he doesn't care. Because in the end, Taehyung is all he wants. Taehyung is all what matters to him.

Now that he has Taehyung with him, everything else is useless for him.
Taehyung was his first love - pure and innocent. He fell in love with the older when he didn't even knew what Love exactly was. He doesn't know what love is if it's not for Taehyung. Jungkook is Taesexual. No one else attracts him or has ever attracted him except for the older. And he'll make sure that his first love will be his last too.

Jungkook was deep in his thoughts when the older slowly kissed his neck, sending shivers down Jungkook's spine.

"What is my baby thinking as the first thing in the morning?" Taehyung whispered in his deep velvety morning voice.

"Nothing Mr. Kim." Jungkook replied, staring at the older's beautiful face with a soft smile.

"Okay, Mr. Kim." Taehyung said.

"I'm not a Kim." Jungkook said while wiggling his nose.

"Not yet!" Taehyung replied while kissing Jungkook's nose softly.

"You want me to change my surname after our marriage?" Jungkook asked with curious eyes.

"You don't want to? It's your wish though." Taehyung said and smiled at him.

"I think I will." Jungkook smiled back.

"Okay future Mr. Kim." Taehyung said back hugging him, while they were still lying on the bed.

"Kim Jungkook. I like the sound of it." Jungkook said and softly pecked the older's lips.

"Yeah, I love it. My Mr. Kim Jungkook." Taehyung said and tightened his hold around his fiancé..



It's been ten months since Jungkook came back to Korea and four months since they got engaged.. These months were a total bliss for the new couple.

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