Part 11

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Ji Hyun entered her cabin and was greeted by Taehyung "Oh Good morning Noona, I was here to take a file. How was your holiday?" He said as she sat on her chair "Ah Good morning ...the holiday was pretty good" She replied "Nice...I hope you didn't work all day and Hyung sat bored" Taehyung clasped his hands together. Ji Hyun pressed her lips in a thin line and looked at him with raised eyebrows. He sighed as he got his answer "Come on don't be boring" He rolled his eyes "Yeah yeah" she sighed "Look I have an idea" He smiled "What is it?" She said opening her laptop "Take him for a movie" Taehyung got excited Ji Hyun froze and thought for a second "That's actually a good idea" she said looking at him "Yeah then go home early today" "Okay".


Yoongi was lying on the bed he was bored, there was nothing to do the whole day, he had plenty of time to make music but his mom didn't let him take his equipment with him. He sat up when he heard the door open and shut, Ji Hyun sat beside him and removed her jacket "You came early" "Yeah" she sighed "Get ready we are going for a movie" Ji Hyun let her body fall on the bed "movie? What movie?" He raised his eyebrow "Any movie of your's a date" a faint smile appeared on his face."Okay," he got up and dressed up while Ji Hyun took a shower and got ready too. 

They sat in the car Ji Hyun was driving when she asked "What movie would you like to watch?" Yoongi thought for a while and said "A horror movie" Her face went pale "Horror movie?" "Yeah," he smiled slightly. "Okay," she let out a sigh. They reached the movie theatre. They got out of the car and got surrounded by people in a few minutes "Omg isn't this newlywed couple Yoonji?" Ji Hyun was used to it despite being a CEO she was quite famous as she was young but Yoongi wasn't used to this he became anxious, Ji Hyun noticed it and held his hand he looked at her she nodded in reassurance. Ji Hyun somehow made their way out of the crowd not letting go of Yoongi's hand. 

Ji Hyun bought the tickets and popcorn. The couple went inside and sat on their seats. Ji Hyun was nervous. She didn't like Horror movies, she didn't tell him because he might think she was a 'scaredy cat' and she didn't want to let him down. The movie starts with Ji Hyun's paced-up heartbeat. She kept gasping at every jump scare tightly shutting her eyes. She gripped the armrest. She took a glance at Yoongi. He was munching on the popcorn, so focused on the screen he didn't even flinch at any jump scare. She sighed as sweat beads formed on her forehead, the screams of the people on the screen and the scary face of the possessed person were not helping her at all. Yoongi noticed her uncomfortable state and asked "Are you okay? Are you scared?" "Scared? Who? I'm fine I'm not scared" She said grabbing some popcorn and munching on them while looking at the screen trying not the look scared. "Okay," he sighed and looked at the big screen.

 He placed his hand over hers which was gripping the armrest in an attempt to make her calm. It made Ji Hyun look at their hands. She looked at the screen but she wasn't focused on the movie her mind was on their hands, his warm hand on her cold one. It felt nice. She felt good. Finally, the movie ended. Ji Hyun let out a sigh of relief. The new couple got out of the theatre and sat in their car. This time Yoongi drove the car. They went to a restaurant. They went inside and were greeted by the lady "Good evening Madam and Sir" she smiled Ji Hyun nodded "A table for two" "Yes" she nodded with a smile and took them to a table. 

The couple sat down and took the menu in hand. The lady looked at them with her hands clasped and said "Well can I suggest something" "Yeah" Ji Hyun looked at her "Our restaurant has a special meal for couples You can order that" Ji Hyun looked at Yoongi "Well let's try it" she nodded and "fine we will have that special meal"Soon the meal arrived and the couple dug in. The lady came to their table with a camera "Excuse me, sorry to interrupt your dinner, Sir ma'am can we take a picture of you, we want to put it on our board, it has pictures of many couples...and you guys look so cute together' she smiled and pleaded Ji Hyun was about to refuse but Yoongi stopped her "one picture won't hurt" he said "Fine" she sighed

 "please feed her a bite sir" Yoongi shyly did as told, he looked at the camera as he held the chopsticks to her mouth. The lady took their picture "You guys look so cute oh gosh" "One more'am now can you kiss sir's cheek" "W-what" Yoongi blushed "I won't if you don't want to" Ji Hyun looked at him trying not the blush "It's fine" he muttered "She sighed and leaned in Yoongi looked at the camera as he felt her lips on his cheek. He immediately turned red "Sir please smile," She said and took a picture "Perfect!" she cheered. "Thank you very much" She bowed and went away. No one spoke neither Yoongi nor Ji Hyun. Both quietly ate their food because they were too shy to look at each other. 


Yoongi was sitting on the bed reading a book when Ji Hyun came and sat on the other side. He looked at her and kept the book away "Let's sleep" She said. Yoongi nodded "Today was fun...thanks, I was so bored being home alone" "It's my pleasure" She mumbled "Let's sleep," she said again as they lay down.


1:00 am, 

Yoongi was fast asleep but Ji Hyun couldn't sleep the scenes of the horror movie were running through her head. She was scared, her gaze fell on one of the corners of the room and she saw a black figure there she abruptly got up and turned on the light but it was just her coat hung there she sighed "What happened" Yoongi got up with sleep eyes "nothing...I thought I saw a black figure in the's just my coat" she looked at her hands "it's okay come on sleep again" Yoongi said in his sleepy voice. She nodded and laid back down turning off the lights.Ji Hyun still was scared she turned around showing her back towards Yoongi no sign of sleep in her eyes. In a few minutes, two strong arms wrapped around Ji Hyun and pulled her closer she knew it was Yoongi she sighed in relief as she felt better. She turned around and hugged him back not making eye contact and soon she fell asleep. Yoongi kissed her head and drifted into sleep as well

Sorry for this boring chapter still if you like it please vote and comment.

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