Part 12

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Yoongi was listening to some music sitting on the couch when Ji Hyun came back from work "oh you are back" "yes" she sighed and sat beside him after taking of her coat. "Yoongi..." "Yeah" "My aunt has invited us to dinner" "Your aunt?" Yoongi narrowed his eyebrow yeah aunt Hana, my father's sister" "ohh" Yoongi nodded as his lips formed an 'o'. "We are going there tomorrow" Ji Hyun got up "I'll fresh up" she said. "Okay I'll tell the maids to serve dinner" he got up too.

It's almost a week they got married still they are little awkward around each other. It will take a little more time for them to adjust. Now aunt Hana has invited them over dinner, Ji Hyun didn't like her since childhood. Hana's husband passed away 5 years ago. She had a son, Hoon. He was Gay, a 20 year old playboy that hits on every guy, it didn't matter to him whether the boy is taken or not, straight or not. Ji Hyun doesn't want to go but she has to. Ji Hyun didn't want that gay jerk to hit on her husband. Ji Hyun was quite protective. She will throw hands if he did anything to Yoongi.

Finally it was time to sleep, both laid down and Yoongi turned off the lights and stirred to other side making his back face Ji Hyun, she bit her lip and hesitantly came close to him and wrapped her hands around his waist. Yoongi slightly smiled and turned to her side he wrapped his hands her as she snuggled in his chest. It has became a habit for Ji Hyun to sleep in his arms now, without exchanging a word both cuddle up together.


"Ji Hyun, are you ready?" Yoongi wore his watch and turned around to look at his wife. "Well yeah I am" Ji Hyun had a black dress that reached right above her knees which matched with Yoongi's black turtle above it he wore a black coat. Black was really their colour, they looked like a power couple. "Let's go" Ji Hyun said grabbing her purse.


The couple reached Aunt Hana's place. Ji Hyun grabbed Yoongi's hand when they got out of the car "let's go" she said and the couple went inside. Hana greeted the couple "Ohh my dear how are you?" she hugged Ji Hyun and then smiled at Yoongi "I'm sorry I couldn't attend your wedding, I was in Japan I came back two days ago" "It's okay aunt" Ji Hyun said with no expression on her face. Yoongi felt weird she acted so differently, when she's alone with him she acts sweet and soft but when they are outside she acts cold. "I forgot to tell you...Hyun-woo is also coming with Deiji and Chaewon" She chuckled and called out her son "Hoon, your sister's here come down" Ji Hyun mentally rolled her eyes and tighten her grip around Yoongi's hand

Yoongi narrowed his eyebrows at her behavior. He couldn't understand why she was acting like that. "I'll be back in a minute" Hana went to the kitchen. Hoon came down, Yoongi didn't felt any good vibes from him, Hoon's aura screamed that he's a spoiled brat. "Ohh Hello sis" he grinned as he stood in front of the couple. Ji Hyun nodded "Hello Yoongi" he said as he checked him out making Yoongi uncomfortable, he awkwardly smiled at Hoon "it's Hyung for you" JI Hyun coldly spoke. "Okay" Hoon rolled his eyes "you have a nice taste sis" He whispered to her and checked out Yoongi once again before Ji hyun could say anything her father showed up

"Ji Hyun my dear" Ji Hyun looked at her father who just came and stood near her with Deiji and her daughter. "Brother you are here" Hana came back from the kitchen. "Come let's sit down" everyone settled down in living room. Ji Hyun and Yoongi were quiet during the talk, they only spoke when someone asked them anything. Hoon was staring at Yoongi all the time and also once winked at him when they made an eye contact.

"The dinner is ready come let's eat" everyone went to the dining table. Hoon pulled a chair "Here" He smiled at Yoongi "thank you" Ji Hyun said coldly sitting on the chair that Hoon pulled for Yoongi. He gritted his teeth glaring at her "Hoon come sit here" Hana said as the maids placed the plates and served food. Yoongi sat next to Ji Hyun and Hoon sat across Yoongi. Ji Hyun's blood was boiling seeing Hoon hit her husband she couldn't do anything because her so called family was there too. "try this" Hoon offered some Tteok-bokki he was about to put some of it in Yoongi's plate but Ji Hyun was fast to put all of the Tteok-bokki in Yoongi's plate from her plate "I don't  feel like eating can have them" She said without sparing a glance at Hoon.

Hoon cursed under his breath. Both were so done with each other but still neither Hoon stopped hitting on Yoongi nor Ji Hyun stopped interrupting him. While everyone talked Ji Hyun quietly ate her food. Suddenly Yoongi choked on his food while talking, Hoon immediately extended glass of water to him as he rose up from his chair. Ji Hyun took the glass before Yoongi could. She patted Yoongi's back and brought the glass to his mouth. Hoon rolled his eyes for the hundredth time. Ji Hyun glared at him sending chills to Hoon's spine he quietly sat down looking away "are you okay?" asked Hyun-woo "yeah" Yoongi nodded wiping his mouth. "don't talk while you eat" Ji Hyun kept the glass down and started eating again. Yoongi hummed and did the same.

Finally the dinner was over.  they bid good bye to  aunt Hana and Hoon, Hyun-woo left first with his wife and daughter "Hoon go walk them up to the car" Hana looked at him "okay mom" He said and walked Ji Hyun and Yoongi to their car. They stopped at the car "hope you had fun Hyung" he grinned at him "Yeah I did" Yoongi rubbed his nape as he felt awkward. Ji Hyun stepped forward and leaned in to Hoon's ear, she whispered "my dear brother, stop hitting on my husband or you know what I'm capable of doing, I will tell aunt about all of your great deeds don't forget you study in the school I own" Hoon felt threatened he stepped back Ji Hyun smirked as she dusted the invisible dust off his shoulders and signaled him to go inside.

The couple sat inside the car. Yoongi was the one driving "I'm sorry about Hoon's behavior I forgot to tell you he's gay playboy, he must have made you uncomfortable I'm sorry" Ji Hyun sighed looking at her lap. "It's okay, Im glad it's over" Yoongi gave her a small reassuring smile. Ji Hyun looked at her phone..her gaze fell on the date. "...anniversary is day after tomorrow" she thought to herself as her heart clench. She sighed and looked at the road.

sorry for a late update, don't forget to vote and comment! <3

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