chapter twenty four

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"Miss Marinette, how do you know my boys? If you don't mind me asking, that is." Bruce asked extremely interested that how come such an angel of a girl know, such demons.

AND Damian.(he doesn't mean it in a bad way but he is a curious man after all)

"I know Timmy because I know his coffee addiction, and he has a premium membership in the café. And as for Richie- we give each other life advice and he too has the membership." As Marinette finished Damian nodded along the way. Trying to understand, how Marinette has already met everyone except Bruce.

"Oh." Was what Damain said.

"Blink twice if you need help." Jason said, to which he got a shut up from Damian.

Richard laughed while ruffling his styled hair to the same nest hair.

"The world is such a small place! I did not ever think, damian of all people will bring you home-

Suddenly there was a silence. A silence indicating a realisation.

Damian brought a person!
Damian brought a human!
Damian brought a girl at home!

Tim was the one who screamed, following with Richard and Jason too, screamed because he loved making chaos.

Bruce was just so done from this family.

Damian rolled his eyes, and then proceeded to grab her hand underneath the table.

She blushed.


After everyone finally got settled, damian stood up, taking a glass of wine in his hand.

"Marinette and I are dating and we will soon be thinking of courting each other."

This time Richard screamed first.

And as the bomb was dumped on the dinner table, jason started laughing.

Everyone looked at him confusingly.

"This was crazy epic! Hello pixie, I'm jason. I'm the one who chased you and your lover." He extended his hand from the other side of the table. But Marinette being extremely small, was not able to reach him even after extending her hand, so Damian as a good boyfriend, held her waist and then picked her up.

And Marinette shyly shook Jason's hand.

Bruce was fully wide eyed by the scene, because what the actual fucking Fuck was Damian doing!?

She was so small and delicate he should handle her with extreme care and gentleness.

"Damian we will have a word after the dinner." To which he got a nod from Damian.

"And can you please tell that chase story, Jason is taking about?" Richard asked as he was completely missing it out. So, Marinette started talking about the incident which happened with them.


After a minute or so, when they all finally got settled once again, Bruce cleared his throat.

"So how did you both meet?"

"I was kind of lost in academy on the first day of school, and then I magically met him, and he helped me to find the receptionist." She sighed lovingly, looking at Damian.

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