epilogue | insta wars | the end

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"Baby? Do I look okay?" Marinette asked as she fixes her dress.

Today is prom day! And finally both Marinette and Damian are getting graduated! They have been dating for two years now. Damian was as whipped as before. Marinette too loved Damian very much.

During the last two years time, nothing changed that much. But yeah Jon did got a boyfriend! But it did not last for long, as the boy was a bottom, cuz bitches only Jon can bottom!

AnyGAYS, Grayson finally, let Marinette meet his pregnant wife, after there trip! which Marinette was dying to meet.

Bruce was also extremely excited for Selina and Marinette to meet and as they did, Bruce and Damian were third wheeling, every time they went out.

Jason also got into a relationship, and it was with none other than Barbara- the queen who could handle Jason Todd!

Timothy too, found his match with Stephanie!

And now the whole bat family were dating, which was the headline of the newspaper by the way.

As Marinette made her way down stairs, she did not find anyone, in the dinning hall which was pretty suspicious if it was related to her family.

As she turned around, she screamed as her whole family was dressed up and Damian was kneeling down with a ring in his hand.

"Marinette dupaincheng will you-

"Yessss yesssss yesss a trillion times yes!!!" She as she pulled him into a kiss.

All the bat family who had been practising this for last two months grumbled as they already knew what was gonna happen~

So, with a ring on her finger wearing a beautiful dress and like a Greek god fiancé Marinette was ready to enjoy her prom!


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>this is what happens when they three hangout☠️

@bruce_wayne: they are my kids
@jason_todd123: pixie as always just sits there and enjoys the damn show
@Grayson: woahhhh
@damian_wayne: wtf you guys🤬🤬😡
@marinette_dupaincheng: this is so cute🎀😭⭐️
@damian_wayne: yes this is super cute🎀
@Bruce_wayne: whipped
@jason_todd123: whipped
@tim_drake: whipped
@Grayson: whipped


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