The Doll Part 20: Nightmare Of Night Part 4

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They are done eating "What did you do earlier?" "Just playing with my toys dad me and daddy saw my doll move?" "Wait what did her doll move?" "Yes honey her eyes follow us every time we walked around Felicia's room?" "That's a little bit creepy?" "Yes i know but it's just her behavior?" "Maybe?" Felicia's parents cleaning downstairs and Felicia went upstairs and go to her room and she closed her door and turn on the lights she saw her doll still facing on the wall "Still facing the wall huh that's your punishment!" after a hours and hours they sleeping Felicia's sleeping and her parents too the doll heads move and she's staring at Felicia but she's sleeping her door open and the doll eyes turn red and she's smiling she left Felicia's room and she's walking downstairs Felicia wake up and she saw her doll is not there on the chair "What the where did she go?" Felicia stand up and she saw her door open she left something moving downstairs and Felicia came downstairs she turn on the lights and she saw the door open "Hello?" the noise stop "Who's there!?" something coming out of the room it's her doll her eyes turn red and she's smiling Felicia is scared and she's breathing rapidly "What are you?" the doll laugh and she's holding her knife "Oh god!" Felicia is running and the doll is chasing her they are going upstairs "Mom dad wake up!" her parents wake up and Felicia us banging on their door and the doll is coming upstairs quickly her parents open the door and they get out of their room "What is it honey!" "My doll came to life she's holding her knife!" the doll came upstairs and she's staring at them "What the fuck!" "Stay away from us!" the doll smiling at them and she's running towards them and their father grab his gun and shoot the doll continues Felicia is crying and her mom hugging her.

1 month ago Felicia's family was on the police station "So your telling me that your daughters doll was trying to hurt you?" "Yes sir me and my wife wake up when we heard our daughter screaming for help and wake up of us and when we open the door the doll is holding a knife trying to hurt us or kill us?" "Mr. Felicia this doll you buy is from the toy shop?" "Yes sir we did buy it for my daughter?" Felicia is staring at the doll and the doll is smiling "It's alright that you buy your daughter a doll but you should know this dolls can be posses by a demon or a ghost?" "Yeah i know that sir sorry?" "It's okay you guys dismiss i have a work to do?" "Thank you sir come on lets go home?" they leave the police station "I'm scared dad?" "It's okay baby daddy is here?" "Come on honey let's go home?" "Yeah i know" they went to the car and drive off.

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