Chapter One: The World Today

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28th of Daesoot, 1428


I've always hated the smell of taverns. The stench of body odor mixed with various alcohols made me sick. Viewing the patronage wasn't entirely fun either. The only people who hung around a tavern, especially this early in the day, were usually those who couldn't breathe without drowning out their problems with gin and ale. What few patrons were in the tavern were exactly those types of men. I didn't want to be there, but my stomach wouldn't allow me to pass on any opportunity that may lead to sustenance. In times such as this, it wasn't uncommon to find beggars among the roadways, starving as the aristocracy threw their scraps to the pigs. Thievery had become quite common, but some would rather die than cheat their morals and injure their pride. Fortunately, I had little pride to possibly be injured. Which is perfect, because any person who deals with Gesta doesn't need any pride. I didn't like being an accomplice to him and his slimy antics, but I was indebted to him, and I've seen what he does to those who do not repay him.

I approached the bar and took a seat in front of Terry the taverner. He sat down a mug of my usual mead and I gave him his bit-a-bronze, the last one I had.

"You shouldn't be here Abbs," Terry said.

I slightly laughed, "So I've been told at most places."

Terry shook his head. "Dealing with Gesta will eventually cause more harm than good," he said.

I chugged the last of the mead and stood. "If all goes well, this will be the last Gesta sees of me."

Terry took the mug and shook his head. "I hope you realize one day that the treasure isn't going to save you from your situation, it will most likely make things worse for you. You should find a nice man who'll tolerate you and travel to one of the ancient lands and start anew."

I laughed. "I believe finding a good man would be harder than finding the mountain treasure."

Terry sighed. "I pray one day you'll find what it is you're missing. I've always pitied you and your kind."

My state of jest vanished at the remark. I knew he meant it well, but I have never taken it well. "Save your prayers for someone who could use them, my soul has already been damned." I left Terry and headed to the backroom of the tavern where Gesta hid himself and his criminality from the law. Frank, his bodyguard, was standing outside of the door. We spoke for a moment then he let me in to see Gesta. My stomach began to turn as I saw him reclining back in his stolen throne, surrounded by overly prettied young girls who looked as if they would slit their own throat if given the chance for such an escape. I should know the look well.

Gesta saw me and ushered me to come near. "Abbie, my dear pale muse, how nice to see you." He offered me a glass of his wine, but I never cared for his cheap tastes.

"What have you called me here for?" I asked, cautiously sitting.

Gesta smirked, "I think you'll like what I have for you today."

"Really! I'm intrigued," I said sarcastically.

Gesta slightly laughed. "The Spring taxes have been collected and the shipment was taken to Ekron. Bring it back to me, and I'll forgive your debt."

I leaned forward. "What about the location of the map like we've discussed"

Gesta shrugged his shoulders. "If the sum is large enough, both freedom and information is yours."

I stood. "Good, then we have a deal."

Gesta stood and extended his hand. "I suppose we do." His eyes fell toward my chest. "But I would need certainty that you would return." Before I could react, Gesta grabbed the pendant hanging around my neck and ripped it off.

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