Chapter 20: You say what?

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"Titanic!" Rachel yelled.

"We're not watching a chick flick!" Daniel yelled back.

"Magic Mike!" Ally shouted while wiggling her eyes at me. He knew that I was a total fan of Channing Tatum.

"No way" Ace said grimly.

"Magic Mike it is!" I said happily and the guys groaned.

"Please don't!" Ted pleaded.

I called Ally and Rachel to tell them to come and as Rachel wasn't really fan of Sam right now, I decided not to tell him to come. Riley had to go dinner with his parents so he wasn't here. That leave me with Ace, Justin, Ted, Daniel, Rachel and Ally. We were still arguing on which movie we were going to watch.

"Let's watch Paranormal activity" Justin said and without even asking for our opinion, he picked up the movie and insert it in the DVD. We were all glaring at him and he just shrugged.

"I hate horror movies!" Ally mumbled and Ted scooped nearer to her.

"You can still cuddle with me" He said with a smirk. Ally's cheeks reddened.

Ted had an effect on her!

"I'm going to take the pop corn" I said and walked to the kitchen.

"Angel, I'm going to pick some pillows from your room" I heard Rachel said and I didn't reply when I heard her running up the stairs. I took the pop corn from the cardboard and took a bottle of juice from the refrigerator. Ally loves gummy bears. So I took the gummy bears along.

"I need a seat" I grumbled when I saw everyone sitting without even bothering to make a place for me. All my friends turned and gave me a sheepish smile. Ace shook his head in amusement and moved a bit so that I could get a place to sit. I smiled warmly at him and popped myself next to him. His warmth quickly enveloped me. I took the gummy bears and threw it on Ally's face, making her jump in fear.

"What the fuck?" she yelled and once her eyes fell on the snack, she squealed happily. Ted chuckled at her behavior.

"You're such a kid" he commented and Ally simply grinned at the packet of gummy bears.

"I love you" Ally said and I smiled thinking that she was saying that to me but then I realized that she was talking to the packet.

"I love you too" I drawled sarcastically making the guys chuckle.

"Guys" Rachel whined and laid herself on the couch. "I don't wanna watch a movie" she said and surprisingly, the guys nodded except Justin.

"Well, I want to watch Paranormal activity" he whined and I scoffed at his reaction.

"And you think yourself as bad boys?" I questioned and Rachel burst out laughing.

"I swear they whine more than kids" she added and the guys glared at us.

"Yeah yeah, do as if we're not here" Daniel said and glared at us when we laughed harder.

"Okay, enough of laughing" Ally demanded and sat by Daniel's side. We all sat in a circle and I pulled Rachel so that she was not lying on the couch anymore.

"Let's play Truth Or Dare" Rachel suggested and we all nodded.

"Dirty Truth or Dare" Ted cleared and I laughed at his comment.

"Wait, I'm going to pick a bottle" with that, I ran to the kitchen and emptied a bottle of water. Just as I returned, Justin tripped me over, making me fall on Ace. I rose my head to see Ace smirking.

"Now who's the bad guy?" Justin asked proudly making the girls laugh.

"Hail to the bad boy who make a girl trip!" Ally cheered sarcastically.

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