Chapter 31: The L-Bomb

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"Oh Honey!" My grandmother exclaimed in happiness and wrapped me in a hug. I missed her so much. I hugged her back and walked in the house. Ace followed behind after he hugged my grand mother too. "How are you?" she asked both of us. Ace took my hand in his and lifted out interlinked fingers to show my granny that we were finally together.

"Great" Ace said with a Cheshire smile and I simply smiled at his smile.

"What happened to not dating him even through he was the last guy on this planet?" My grandmother asked teasingly and I rolled my eyes but a smile crept on my face.

"Yeah, what happened?" Ace asked, putting his hand on my waist and pulling me closer.

"I've been hit hard on the head" I retorted and he rolled his eyes.

"Come on, let's go to the dining room" Granny said while laughing. We decided to come at my granny's place for dinner as she told me that she wanted to see me and she missed me. We walked in the dining room and I noticed one more plate.

"Granny, Who's coming?" I asked curiously as we sat down. Ace sat next to me and Granny sat in front of me. She seemed really nervous and that freaked me out.

"Good evening" I heard her voice behind me. My breath hitched and Ace took my hand in his. I turned my head to look at Aunt Rosy and I sighed.

"Why would you do that?" I asked my grand mother, already knowing how the dinner was going to end. Aunt Rosy walked to her seat with her usual sly smirk.

"Listen, I want everything to be fine. I want both of you to talk" my granny exclaimed and I rolled my eyes. It was high time we really talk. This time, i wasn't going to run away like i always do.

"So let's talk!" I snapped and watched Aunt Rosy smirked devilishly at me. I smirked back as I wasn't going to let her bring me down today.

"Aren't you a bit moody?" Aunt Rosy asked with rose eyebrows and turned her attention to Ace. "And, you are here because?" she asked rudely, making my granny shake her head.

"Is it how she's going to talk?" I asked granny while glaring at the dragon. Ace was glaring too but he stayed quiet for my sake. "Ace is here because I wanted him to be here" I said smoothly and she glared at me.

"I thought it was a family dinner" she said with hatred and I rolled my eyes while scoffing.

"Since when do you consider me as family?" I asked back.

"Oh well, good point. You died the day you killed my sister" Rosy sneered and I kept my calm. In fact, Ace caressing my knuckles were quite comforting.

"I didn't kill her" I snapped and I could hear my Granny sigh.

"Calm down both of you" Granny ordered.

"Mom! I seriously can't understand how you can keep up with her! Your daughter died because of her!" she said in disbelief. That stung but I tried not to show that I was hurting.

"And how am I responsible for her death?" I asked as I stood up.

"If it wasn't for you, they'd be here! They would not be going to that stupid show!" she cried in bewilderment.

"And where were you when she died?" I asked and let the tears fall. I usually cry when I'm angry as fuck. "You were not here! You were not even here for their funeral! You lost your sister! Fine! But I lost my mother! My father and my brother!" I shouted and pushed back the chair. "As if losing them was not enough, you had to constantly remind me that they are dead! What do you want from me?" I asked in frustration, anger and sadness. It was as if I was exploding. Everything was coming out. "You want me to die?" I asked with a humorless chuckle. "I did try to!" I sneered and my granny gasped while Aunt Rosy's eyes widened. "But then I asked myself why would I try to kill myself? For you?" I asked in anger. "You're just a bitch who couldn't cope with her sister's death and find it amusing to destroy the life of her niece!" I snapped and Ace stood up. He took my hand in his and turned me around so that I was facing him. I was crying and he pulled me in his chest. He put his hand on my hair and gently passes his fingers in my hair in a soothing manner.

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