Chapter 4 : Embarassment and Confusion

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A Nice Evening? I'm Confused...

As I continued to scream for Baba, I could tell he didn't expect me to do that from his shocked expression. My eyes filled with tears due to fear as I realised I'm probably going to die tonight. Fate, is this really what you do to me when I give in to my childish thoughts?

Suddenly, an arm wrapped around my waist, roughly dragging me off the ground and into someone's chest as another slammed down on my mouth to silence my screams. Tears escaped my eyes as I thought to myself, 'this is it for you, Imani.'

I tried to fight back against his tight hold but it only got stronger with every passing second. Is he trying to suffocate me? I could hear baba's voice yelling my name from a distance. 'Baba, I'm here!' I tried to yell back, to alert baba but it was no use.

"Stop crying, woman!" He harshly whispered, but it was enough to scare me further, causing me to try to quieten my sobs. "What is wrong with you? You're standing inside my parent's home and calling me a thief? If anything, you're the outsider." I froze in his arms as I finally realised who the person holding me was. Zaviyaar Mahad Khan!

Zaviyaar Mahad Khan, known for his technical capabilities as well as his sharp, businessman persona. According to the tech magazine, ever since he started handling the company, its share value increased, their overall clientele was even more satisfied, resulting in more clients and production of tech more innovative than ever before!

But aside from his mind's capabilities, he was also well-known for more dark, sinister things...Violent outbursts, rage attacks and deadly happenings were associated with him. He was more reckless in his teenage years but ever since he started working, the people who upset him would end up missing...

I stared at him wide-eyed before trying to mumble apologies at him, still muffled since he still had his darned hand over my mouth! Is this dude staring at me? Hellooo, let me go already. I poked his shoulder and that seems to have snapped him out of whatever dream he was dreaming.

He quickly removed his hold of me and stepped back. I didn't bother looking at him before I turned around and ran away from there. I didn't want to be the next person to go missing because I pissed off Zaviyar Khan.

As soon as I was out of the trees, I saw Baba and everyone who was looking for me. I quickly yelled 'baba!' and ran full-speed towards him.

I embraced him as soon as he was within my reach and stayed there. Thank you, God. I really didn't want to die like this. Baba held me tightly as he asked me in an urgent tone as to what happened.

"Tell me, Imani. What happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Baba kept on questioning me and looking me over to make sure I was okay.

"Baba, actually..." I was about to tell him exactly what happened when I looked behind me and saw that Zaviyaar had not followed me. Why did he not come out? Does he want to hide what happened?

"You can tell me, Imani, what happened? Did someone try to hurt you?" Baba's question snapped me out of my thoughts as I decided what to do, his hands still holding mine as he continued to look me over.

"Please, Mr.Malik. This is the Khan household. Why would anyone harm your girl over here? Are you trying to accuse us of carelessness with our security?" Mrs.Khan's voice resonated from the back of the crowd.

"I'm not implying anything. I am merely trying to make sure that my daughter is safe." Baba's anger was barely concealed when he replied.

"Well, then in that case, refrain from calling us careless when it was your daughter who decided to play around." Mrs.Khan responded, trying to accuse me of something. What, though, even I wasn't sure of that. God, this needs to end before the situation becomes worse.

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