Chapter 6 : Immoral and Blackmail

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Immoral and Blackmail

"Either fix this within the next 24 hours or I'll find myself a new HR department head. You may leave now." I shifted my gaze away from the infuriating person in front of me to the documents awaiting my approval.

He simply fumbled with words before scurrying out of my office. Well, I hope my words gave him enough motivation to do it right this time. The phone on my desk rang, once more distracting me from the documents.

"Yes, Abdul?" I expected my assistant's voice to respond so I was surprised when my mother's voice came through instead.

"Hey, son. I thought I'd swing by your office to see you." Of course she did. "You've been refusing to take my calls ever since I told you about Sunday dinner."

"Mother, I told you, no personal visits during office hours. So, I'm afraid I'll have to decline." Knowing her, she's probably here to lecture me about getting married to the girl she chose.

"It's important. I'm not leaving till you come out and talk to me. Are you really going to behave like a coward and hide in your little office?" Her tone was quick to change from motherly to mocking upon my rejection. There's your actual self, mother. I was wondering how long it would take to appear.

"Ah, I was wondering how long it would take for your tone to change." I'm sure that caused her eyes to narrow while her nostrils flared.

"It's almost lunch time. I'll be free then. I'll meet you at the restaurant itself. I'll text you the address." My tone was final.

There was silence on her side until she finally responded, "You really are your father's son." and then she cut the call. Hmm, I guess I am.

I looked at the clock and saw that I have an hour till lunch time. Only one hour before I'm sure I have to listen to something infuriating. Might as well get some extra work done right now because I'll probably have to go to gym afterwards to blow off some steam.


"Hello, mother. You said you wanted to meet me. Any particular reason?" I inquired as I took a place at the table, picking up the menu as I contemplated what to get for lunch.

Mother simply sat there, all poised and elegant looking. She opened her mouth to speak when the waiter arrived. She asked him to come back later but I was quick to interrupt that sentence. She might not be hungry but I definitely am.

Her eyes continued to narrow as I took my sweet time to order my lunch and drink. Usually, I would be quick to order to avoid unnecessary interactions but today, well, I have to annoy my dear mother too, now don't I. I'm sure she's here to say something that would infuriate me. In return, I can at the very least annoy her.

"You were saying?" I innocently inquired, as if I had not just taken 5 whole minutes to talk to the waiter.

She simply narrowed her eyes as her motherly mask left her face. That's what I was waiting for, for her to drop the act. All it takes is being away from the cameras and going against her wishes. Now I'm sure this conversation will end quicker.

"Why haven't you been picking Ayesha's calls?" Her icy tone as she questioned me was apparent.

"Ayesha called me? I wasn't aware of that." Why should I talk to her when I don't want to.

At first, I thought that girl might have some self-respect and would stop calling after the first time I explicitly explained to her that I'm not interested.

Imagine how surprised I was upon discovering that she's exactly like my mother in that regard when she kept calling. Spoiler alert, None.

When I didn't elaborate, she became angrier. "Do you have any idea how embarrassing it was for me when my own son disrespected my choice like that?" While she was careful to keep her voice level, I'm sure she would be yelling by now if we were home.

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