Chapter Two

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I have to do this. I have to do this. I have been chanting this in my head repeatedly for the last four hours until finally, I find the courage to wear the uniform. I look at myself in front of the mirror, absently touching the embroidered neckline. After losing our house, I had to sell most of my clothes to my friends—at least the ones who weren't going to judge me. The dress I have now is the most delicate clothing I have had in three years.

A knock pulls me out of my thoughts. I open the door and find Lucy grinning. She waves and walks inside.

"I cannot believe it. Elena Wilson. Look at you." She whistles as she looks at me up and down.

I smile despite trying not to break down. In an hour, I will be serving the company that took everything away from us. I will be watching the celebration—a celebration of making money by deceiving poor people like us.

I clearly remember the day we got kicked out of our house. The house was mortgaged to us as part of employee benefits by the company my dad was working for. After that, we had no shelter for two days, only sleeping in an old car that Dad was able to purchase.

I've never told anyone about my hatred for the company. Sometimes, it's better to put on a fake smile than talk about the depth of my anger and pain.

Lucy hails a cab for us. Delphi Hotel, where the event will be held, is located on the upper side of New York City. Once in a while, Lucy drags me to this part of New York City so she can taste a bit of what rich people have. Wandering the malls always reminds me of what I used to have and took for granted.

Every Christmas, my parents and I would spend hours decorating the tree. Every summer, Dad would take us to Florida for a week, and we would play volleyball on the beach. My mother and I would always spend Saturdays at the mall, trying on clothes and make-up, coming home with a bag full of new clothes. It all stopped when that incident happened.

Once we arrive at our destination, I quickly get out of the cab and study the large hotel entrance in awe. It radiates grandeur and extravagance. Four massive columns hold the roof structure of the grand portico entrance. The inner walls are golden, complementing the red carpet drawn from the sidewalk to the lobby.

Lucy grabs my hand, and we cross the street. With our stuff tucked securely in one of the empty lockers, we walk to the staff lounge, where the waiting staff is lingering for further instructions. The attendance has exceeded the room capacity, so we have to stand very close to each other.

William enters the kitchen with another man, who, I guess, is the hotel manager or the event coordinator.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome," the man announces. "I hope you had enough rest 'cause this night will be the biggest in history. I'm just kidding," he whispers the last sentence to sound funny. His statement meets dead silence, so he starts talking again to ease the awkwardness. "Please follow our instructions closely, and don't hesitate to ask us questions. You will be given two fifteen-minute breaks per our contract and state law and thirty minutes for your meal break. Any questions?"

After the manager's bossy speech, William starts giving us a quick reminder of our tasks and then urges us to grab our trays. Straightening my back and holding my chin high, I accept my tray and walk out of the kitchen. Balancing on these high heels is a challenge—one that I take gladly to distract myself from what I'm about to face.

The venue is much bigger and more elaborate than the venue halls of Golden Services. The walls are covered in expensive flower-patterned wallpaper, and the floor is covered with polished marble. A long cherry-red carpet extends itself to another door that leads to the front lobby. Some guests have already arrived and gathered around the long tables covered with silky white cloths. Whether it is the sudden outpouring of guests or the gleaming venue, I feel my head get light for a second.

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