Chapter 5: Working for Humans

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Dakki exhales, the night wind pushing past him as he follows the other two men through the trees on the outskirts of the castle. He doesn't know how he feels about this situation, having to be separated from Kali is never ideal. It's been years since he's been away from her and he isn't too keen on it.

"Huff too much like that and I'll start to think you don't like us," Altear says simply, not turning to look at the younger man.

"The bigger question is why you think that I would like you, I didn't forget about you shooting me in the shoulder, you know?" Looking around he admires the many types of flora, different types of fruit trees are sprawled out around them, all in different stages of bloom despite the time of year being in mid Autumn. It must be due to Fae's powers.

"It's not like you felt it, anyway," Altear retorts.

Dakki stops walking, crossing his arms as both men before him turn around. "Alright, what is going on with you? Who are you and what do you know? Kali may not be the type to demand and answer so forthright, but I am. I'm not into playing these games. What is your motive?"

"I thought I've made my motive more than clear," his dark eyes watched the red-head for a moment before turning back forward. "Come on, we'll talk as we go."

Tate looks between the two, steadying on Dakki and giving him a once over before jogging to catch back up to his lead. Dakki sighs, continuing on as well.

"What do you know of us, how did you know her name?"

"I was told of it by a prophet many years ago while traveling through the Kingdom of Elliel, I was told that on this date where I could find the missing princess," he cracks his neck, straightening his poster a little before continuing, "I didn't know the purpose back then as to why I would need the girl, but as time passed it became more clear to me that I would need external assistance."

"But what can she do that you can't do yourself? I mean she's just a girl, she doesn't even really have her powers, yet." His pitch is low, but Altear only shrugs.

"If given the right circumstances she may be able to learn something. And the reason myself and others cannot kill the King is because he is immune to our abilities. As you may have noticed with my hair, as well as the King's and the other Captain of the Guard- Alana's, it's not like other humans. It's yellow, that is due to our learned magical abilities."

"Alright, and what is this ability?" Dakki tilts his head, staring hard at the back of the Captain. They start to approach the clearing of the trees, the castle not too much farther off. Altear stops his stride and turns back to the young men, his face stern.

"Lightning. We are capable of summoning lightning from our bodies, but also due to this we are not affected by it. A normal human stands no chance against the King with our powers, and we would not be able to harm him in the slightest. In addition to this, the King is a master of martial arts, as well as immune to all native and non native poisons and venoms on this continent. We need someone who can hold up against him. Your kind is rumored to be the strongest of the beings that walk this planet. Whether she is weak or not, she should still be able to stand a chance..." he sighs and looks over at Tate, then back to Dakki. "She may be our only chance."

Dakki bites his lip, "and what is so horrible about this King that he deserves a death sentence?"

"That is for you to find out, there are many monstrosities he's done since taking the throne, killing the late queen included." Tate looks down when Altear says this, causing Dakki to raise an eyebrow.

"He killed the Queen, but he still received the throne?"

"It's more complicated than that," Tate finally steps in, his eyes not leaving his boots. "My aunt, the late Queen... Her name was Eveline. She was widely loved amongst our people since she was smart and kind, the Kingdom thrived under her reign. She was active in the town, helping townspeople whenever she could and she promoted open trade with nearby kingdoms; countless peace treaties were in order and things were calm. However, when the time came to find a husband, she needed one to cement her throne and produce an heir. She was beautiful and competent, so she had many suitors... and that's how she met my uncle, Wade Ryer."

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