Chapter 11: A Little Fall Of Rain

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TW: Dakki


After their fun in the bathroom, Dakki feels drained, but happy. Upon leaving he received a last kiss from Mara, then a thumbs up from the guys at the table. The fact that Rhyder and one of Mara's friends were gone didn't miss his attention, but he was too tired to look into where they went. He wanted to go home and have a shower, then slink into his bed till the next morning.

How humans can go about doing this many nights in a row, he's not sure. A rain has started under the night sky outside and he finds it refreshing as he heads down the cobbled road of the town, looking around with his hands behind his back. He never expected it to go this way, didn't expect to enjoy it so much but he really did. He enjoyed her more specifically. She felt like a safe space, maybe a little bit of a distraction as well from some other needs and desires he had been having for far too long. She was a nice woman, and one that he feels he would like to be around more.

As he rounds a corner of the street, his heart drops. Standing on the bridge, looking down at the water in his route is Fae. Before he can turn to hide, her head snaps in his direction- eyes landing right on him.

"Fuck..." he breathes to himself, knowing he's been caught- outside past curfew.

"Are you kidding me..." he can hear her say over the rain as they walk toward each other. "What the hell do you think you're doing out?" As she reaches him she crosses her arms over her red blouse, soaked from the rain, but the chill doesn't seem to bother her like it does him.

"Don't get your skirts all in a twist, I'm heading home now." He pouts, wanting to walk past her, but she stops him.

Her long braids hang down her back as she scowls at him, "you smell like shit, what did you do?"

"Well, that's not a very nice thing to say to someone. You know there is a nice way to greet people-"

"I'm not being playful, Dakki! This isn't a joke, what if Altear catches you?" She puts her hands on her hips.

"Who do you think ordered me to get close to the guards and come out here? If this is what I have to do to earn their trust, then he'll understand. It's not my fault his guards are trash..."

"He didn't say to sneak out! Kali is taking punishment for you tomorrow, and here you are going around and leaving the barracks AGAIN." Her frown is deep and she doesn't hold back on her tone of voice, pure disgust and frustration seeping out of her.

"I know she is! I can't help that, Fae. I had to go tonight, it may have been my only chance."

"Your only chance to have sex with a random woman? And unprotected at that? You smell disgusting, what would your parents say?" She sneers.

"It doesn't matter what they'd say. To them, I'm dead! Remember?" His voice raises as a pained expression smothers his face.

"I'm DEAD, Fae. I'm a soul bound to the princess. I have to do whatever she tells me to do, or whatever Altear says now that he owns her. I'm a fucking servant to a servant for a human."

He puts his arms out, his lip quivering. "So what if I have sex with a woman? I can't get her pregnant, anyway. I'm getting done what I've been ordered, no matter the cost. And you know what? It was a little fun. What else can I do? This is my fate. Let me have fun when I can."

She rests her arms at her side, her eyes having moved from angry to sad. He cringes inside, not able to avoid the look in her expression.

"Oh, Dakki..."

"Don't look at me like that, Fae. I don't need pity..." he turns away, biting his lip hard, trying to hold in his own disgust that is bleeding inside of himself. "The son of Dyne has become this, I know how it looks."

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