||Snow Never Ends||

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The moon shines bright over the frozen pond. Stan was beginning to get cold so he decided to go home thinking it would be best to end his night walk for tonight.

So he walked back down the dirt path his eyes glazed over as the wind blew into his eyes causing them to water slightly making it harder for Stan to navigate himself out of this small snow storm that had set over South Park for the time being. He continued to walk before the crunching of the dirt and rocks beneath him stopped, the bottom of his feet hitting pavement as he guessed he was in some sort of sidewalk now so he paused and wiped his eyes a few times before seeing a figure in the distance across the road he quickly wiped his eyes once more before it was gone..maybe it was just his imagination?

Stan sighed heavily hoping he wasn't going insane as he continued making his way down the sidewalk beginning to see street names making it much easier for him to find his way back home. His headphones blasted music in his ears so he was oblivious to any noises around him on top of that the snow and wind mix was slightly loud as well. Unfortunately Stan didn't have any snow boots on before he left so he was having to deal with damp ish shoes. It wasn't the most comfortable feeling but luckily he had some fluffy socks on keeping his feet warm. He got them from his mom on Christmas last year. He hated them at first because y'know who would want socks on Christmas? But they turned out to be really useful and cozy!

Then through his headphones Stan heard a howl. It was loud enough to get to Stan's ears so the boy immediately took one of his ear buds out and listened for a few seconds before he heard another one..maybe it was just some dogs? At least that's what Stan hoped it was. Stan had remembered his Dad told him a story about werewolves and how vicious those creatures were. It made Stan feel weary just thinking about it but then again his dad was drunk at the time when he told the story to young Stanley so maybe it was just nonsense and there was nothing to worry about.

Though even if he had semi reassured himself about it he still picked up the pace on his walking, wanting to get home as soon as possible and not get eaten or something? Stan didn't exactly know what werewolves did to their victims so it made it even more nerve racking...

Stan took a deep breath, inhaling deeply and exhaling shakily; he couldn't help but shiver at the night's coldness on top of the snow falling rapidly. Stan then turned a corner getting closer to his house. It was a comforting feeling and something at least nice to think about so he decided to focus on that, not wanting his paranoia to get to him. He hadn't realized how fast he'd been walking until his asthma acted up a bit so he reached into his pocket and grabbed his inhaler putting it into his mouth before pulling the trigger to shoot the puff the medicine into his lungs making his airways open up more causing a wave of relief to wash over Stan as he slowed his pace down once more.

Stan felt like he had a knot in his stomach as he continued to walk down the familiar streets to his house. It was starting to feel like he had been walking forever and was just turning down random paths at this point even though he knew he wasn't deep down. it was probably just the snow and how it was constant and never going away making everything look the same as it began to stick and like on the ground making it a bit garde to walk in.


Stan froze dead in his tracks as he heard the snapping of a branch behind him..he knew he shouldn't turn around but he did, slowly turning his head around to look over his shoulder his eyes widened and his breath hitched in his throat as he felt himself go pale.

It was a wolf..

[Sorry for any writing mistakes!]

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