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They guys pulled off Quan and Kam didn't say anything. 

"So y'all niggas knew and didn't tell me? " Marco said mad as fuck

"Man she didn't want us to say nothing," Quan said


"Nigga what were you gone do anyways. You was locked up" Kam said

"How y'all find out anyway," Steven asked

Quan looked at Steven who was sitting next to him in the passenger seat.  "She came banging on my door. "

"What? " Marco said.

"Bro she was hyperventilating real bad. I asked her did she go to the dude's house...

"DID SHE? " Marco yells

"No bro," Kam said, " She Started yelling at me. He raped her on the side of the restaurant".

"Don't this nigga work down at the bank? " Marco asked

"Shit we don't know," Quan said

Steven starts looking up the dude finding him.  "Yeah buddy ass work at the bank"

"Let's drive by there," Marco said sitting back. 

They pulled up to the bank seeing it was closed. So they kept going driving around until they find this nigga.

Hours passed as Marco met a guy who sold guns for low. So they wouldn't get caught shooting their own. Marco, Quan,  Steven,  and Kam sat at the Diner since they knew he went there a lot. Wearing all black with gloves.  Marco notices him coming out. 

"Y'all ready? " Marco said

"Kam meet us 2 blocks up. We gone come out the alley.  We should see y'all behind that big assbush on Linocln Street" Steven said

Marco,  Shawn, and Quan get out putting on their ski masks and gloves.  Lloyd gets in the car with another guy and closes the door.  Marco walks up shooting in the car.  While Steven shot up the other side.  They took off into the alley meeting Kam behind the bush.  They are out of breath.  "Drive smooth nigga.  Let's go" Marco said as they took off their ski masks.

Back at the lady's house

"Raven" Eve said seeing her cry. "It's okay.  Come on and drink some wine"

They walked into the living room and sat down.  Naomi came and wiped Raven's tears off.  "We got you," She said kissing her cheek.  Raven got in her sister's arms drinking the wine. Raven sits up takes the bottle and pours more. 

"Why do I feel like a mom holding my daughter? " Naomi said

As they all laughed.  Making Raven laugh a little. 

"That's the laugh I miss," Danny said

We all do," Eve said

"I just don't feel like myself anymore," Raven said "My intention was never to sleep with him anyway.

"I was so mad at Marco for sleeping With Shelly.  I never expect a grown-ass man to take advantage of me like that. " Raven said crying "All this shit happening to me.  And I don't do shit to nobody"

Marco,  Quan,  Kam, And Steven walk in and see Raven speak for the first time.

"And you're right.  You don't do shit to anybody.  So why is all of this happening?  We don't know.  But I'm here with you just like all of us.  " Steven said coming to sit next to Raven.  "I love you"

"I love you too," Raven said seeing Marco stand there looking at her.  Raven gets up and goes into his arms. "Let's go," Marco said taking her upstairs. 

They walked into Raven's room as Marco shuts her door.  "Come here," he said.  Raven came to him.  He grabs her moving her hair and kissing Raven's gunshot womb 3 times rubbing her face.  He looks back at her. He took a deep breath.

Raven had so much on her mind she forgot about Marco and Shelly.  She steps back going to sit on the bed.  "So you love her? " Raven asked

"I don't love any other women but you," He said standing there "I didn't have a choice, Raven. "

"What choice Marco?"

"Life or death," He said

"So to stay alive you had to sleep with her.  Is what you saying?" She asked

"That's exactly what I'm saying"

Raven didn't say anything just looked down rubbing her hands together.

"She came into my cell with two dudes with knives.  If I didn't do what she wanted I wouldn't be here to see you today" He said.  Raven ain't say anything "Baby I'm really sorry.  I told Steven soon after it happened,  cause I know you would believe him instead of me"

"I just wanted you here," Raven said crying again. 

"I'm here," he said "Look at me"

Raven gets up coming into his arms.  She didn't care about Shelly.  Even though she was still hurt.  Being raped was all she thought about. 

"Stop crying," he said kissing her lips and wiping her tears.  "Ain't going nowhere this time," He said hugging her. 

"I just want some sleep for now," Raven said

"Come on.  I'll rub your feet" He said walking behind her to the bed.

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