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Ravens gets up seeing Marco hold her.  She rubs his face.  She hops up running towards the bathroom throwing up.  Marco gets up whipping his eyes. He gets out of bed going into the bathroom rubbing her back.  She lays there catching her breath.  "This every morning? " he asked lifting her hair.  She shakes her head yeah.  She gets up to brush her teeth. They walk back into the room while she sits down and rubs her stomach. 

"So what do we do in the mornings? Do you need something? " He asked standing. 

"No.  Just need to take my vitamin pill" she said getting up grabbing a water bottle out of her small fridge and her pills from the dresser taking one back. 

11 pm

Raven and Marco walk downstairs to breakfast ready.  "Y'all ready to eat? " Eve asked.

Everybody sits at the table not saying anything just eating.

"Well Good morning," Eve said

"Morning boo," Raven said

"What's everybody got going on today? "

"Somebody trying to throw a party tonight. We got to meet them in like two hours" Steven said.

"Y'all popping out? " Quan asked the girls..

"I'll be staying home," Raven said

"Nah you going with me," Marco said.

"I'm not walking around all night," she said

"You can be in the office"

"The same office the bitch sucked your dick in?  No thank you" Raven said

"Don't start?" He said "I changed everything around anyways"

2 hours later Raven and Marco were in the car driving to his club.  While Steven and them are in the car behind. 

"We have to talk," Raven said


Raven took a deep breath "I really need you to figure out who you are. I can't keep doing this"

"What that's supposed to mean Raven,? "

"Meaning we can.. " she looks at him pulling over parking the car and looking at her. 

"Say it," he said looking mad as hell.

Raven took a deep breath again "You need to figure out if us,  is really what you want.  "

"Raven I want you.  I AINT FUCK THAT BITCH THOUGH" he said yelling.

"Why are you yelling? "


"I know that, "

Marco takes a deep breath calming down.  "I can't lose you.  Not right now baby," he said still looking at her. 

"You not losing me.  You figuring yourself out"

"I did! "

"Okay. We just need a break I need one "

"You had one FOR TWO FUCKING MONTHS BRO.  YOU ABOUT TO PISS ME OFF AGAIN" he said putting the car drive. 

Raven phone rings  seeing it's Eve.  She answers "Yall okay? "

"Yeah. We good" Raven said looking at Marco hurt. Raven hangs up. "You know I love you dearly.  I just want a stress-free pregnancy.  I don't need anything you doing triggering me.  It still does by looking at you"

Marco shakes his head not saying anything.  Raven tries touching his hand but he moves it. They pulled up to the club.  Marco gets out slamming the door leaving Raven in the car. Raven begins to cry.  She hated that being pregnant made her so sensitive.  Eve,  Danny, and Naomi walk up to the car seeing her cry.  Naomi opens the door. 

"What's wrong?"

Raven shakes her head whipping her nose with her napkin.  "He mad at me."

"About what this time? "

"I just broke it off with him.  I mean we weren't together anyways," she said taking a deep breath.

"First.  Calm down.  Remember baby here" Eve said rubbing her belly.  "Second. If you feel like this is the right thing don't worry about how he feels. "

"You're right!  Come on" Raven said getting out.  They go inside the club.  The guys talking to the party guest who will be throwing a get-together tonight. Raven went and sat down on the comfortable couch.  "This comfy," she said holding her stomach.

"You good? " Eve asked coming to her handing her a drink. 

Marco walks over taking it from Raven's hand. "What are you doing? "

"Nah what you doing? " He said taking a sip seeing it's lemonade.  He hands it back to her. "Come on," he said

"I'm comfortable right here"

"Come on bro"

"No! Stop telling me what to do.  Go do your job" She said

Marco raised his eyebrow.  Steve taps his shoulder "Come on bro" he said

Raven Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora