Ch 7: New Threat! New Allies!

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Japan, Fukuoka.

It been a week since the Enclave managed to get a stronghold on an Island of Japan but right before they could move out multiple missiles strike the city defenses.

Then out of nowhere multiple mechs, soldiers and giant humans attack the city thus forcing the Enclave to defend themselves.

Despite the sudden attack of flying soldiers that look like they're from the 1900s, mechs that is able to fly, german vampire soldiers, and tanks that shoot out blue energy. The Enclave remains calm and managed to keep the enemies st back.

Then the Enclave Elites alongside Talon arrived and successfully slaughter many enemies until the enemy retreats.

Thus the Enclave cheer for defending the city once again but despite their victory Y/N knew this was only the beginning as one of his Elites managed to grab a woman soldier.

A few minutes later.

Inside a Enclave holding cell is Y/N who is looking at the current prisoner who is dark skin with dark clothes and dark hair.

???: "You Enclave scum may think you won the battle but the war is far from over!" She said but then a man with bandages all over his face and hands while wearing an Swat jacket enter the room.

???: "You Enclave scum may think you won the battle but the war is far from over!" She said but then a man with bandages all over his face and hands while wearing an Swat jacket enter the room

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Y/N: "Ah Joshua. Good now then miss. You can tell us who you are and why did you attack us when we have no business with you" he said but the woman spit at his face.

Chiara Rocino: "I am Enforcer of the X-0 unit of the imperial army Chiara Rocino! You can't keep me locked up!" She said but Joshua pull out a gun and shoot her shoulder causing her to bleed which she wince as Joshua press the gun barrel into her shoulder.

Joshua: "Sorry but God have no mercy towards the wicked" he said but Y/N place his hand on his shoulder which he nod then step back.

Y/N: "Now that we know your identity let me ask you this. Why did you attack us when we did nothing against your imperial army?" He said which the woman laugh.

Chiara Rocino: "the Imperial army is apart of an alliance with others from our dimension to join this war against your world" she said which Y/N glare.

Y/N: "So you are nothing but pawns to Union Academy" he said but the woman laugh.

Chiara Rocino: "Please they beg for us to help by offering this world to us in exchange for them to regain their reputation. Thus formed the Axis Central Order" she said which Y/N frown then look at an wall.

Y/N: "You got all that" he said confusing the woman until the wall turned out to be an invisible window which is broadcasting what she say to the entire world.

Chiara: "Sh_t" she said then Joshua knock her out as the recording stop.

Y/n: "Alright from what we can gathered this Axis Central Order is probably an recent alliance to take over Earth" he said which Joshua nod.

Joshua: "Should we goes to their world and ask for their enemies help? After all we do have access to that portal device the strange man who was wearing an cloak gives us" he said which Y/N sigh.

Y/N: "Look like we got no choice especially since we don't know much about them" he said then the two men leave.

Outside of the city.

As soon as Y/N is outside the city he pull out a strange gun that got a swirling portal inside a tube that is connected to the gun.

Then he shoot a bullet which cause a portal to open which he walk on through.

Dimension of conflict.

Somewhere in this world germany a portal open up and exiting it is Y/N who look around only to raise his hands as he see multiple soldiers aiming their guns at him.

He then see a woman flying down and her appearance give him a dark vibe.

Tanya: "Greetings outsider I am Tanya Degurechaff general of this squad and unit

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Tanya: "Greetings outsider I am Tanya Degurechaff general of this squad and unit. Now if you don't mind explaining what the f_ck do you think you are entering the Imperial Germany territory!" she said.

Y/N: "Simple I seek allies to fight against the Axis Central Order" he said which Tanya frown.

Tanya: "So those intel of Legadonia Entente Alliance joined forces with the Millennium Organization traitors" she said which Y/N tilts his head in confusion.

Y/N: "Well if you want to fight the enemies then joined an alliance with the Enclave" he said which Tanya glare.

Tanya: "Ok Enclave soldier you will come with me to meet the others" she said grabbing him then fly to a campsite with the other soldiers.

A few minutes later.

Soon Y/N is in a meeting with the resistance called the Alliance.

In the room there is leaders of different groups like for example:
Sumeragi Lee Noriega lead an group under the Celestial being.
Integra director of the Hellsing Organization.
Anderson who leads an group founded by Iscariot organization.
Najenda leader of the Night Raid and member of the Revolutionary Army.
Finally is Welkin of Squad 7 who is apart of the Gallian militia.

Y/N: "So you are the current leaders of this resistance against the Axis Central Order" he said which each person nod.

Welkin: "As you're aware this alliance our enemies made is slowly taking over our world but it seems that their focus their attacks on your world due to Union academy offering them Earth" he said.

Y/N: "That is correct but if you lend your armies then the Enclave will help you on freeing this world from your enemies" he said which each person nod.

Integra: "So how do we transport our forces to your world" she said which Y/N smirk then show them the gun he uses.

Y/N: "This device allow me to come here And thankfully it doesn't have a limit" he said which they nod.

Everyone: "We'll help as much as we can" they said which Y/N smile.

Back on Earth.

As the Enclave forces got the defenses back on there a portal open which the soldiers aim their weapons.

Only for Y/N to come out which they lower their weapons.

Y/N: "Enclave meet the Resistance Alliance" he said as an small army come out of the portal.

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