Chapter 20: The Shadow Monarch, Kagari vs The Fairy Queen, Titania

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Yesterday afternoon, infront of the entire guild, Kagari Sanashi was challenged to battle by The Strongest Female Wizard in all of Fairy Tail, Titania Erza Scarlet, The S-Class Wizard, and The Queen of The Fairies. As they agreed, the two of them would meet tomorrow morning. On the day of the duel, the sun rose over Magnolia, there was somewhere Kagari wished to visit before it was time for his duel with Erza. Kagari found himself back in the forest near the Shoreline of Lake Sciliora.

Kagari: Hey.

Kagari: Hey

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"I'm back.."

Once he arrived, Kagari quietly sat down below the stone where he placed the shining golden sword, looking down.

Kagari: Enjoying the scenery? Heh, I bet you are. You always did say that you wanted to live near a nice view like this.

Kagari: You should see what I'm up too. Finally joined a guild... it's not terrible...

Kagari: But I did get myself into a fight today. And it's with the most powerful woman in the whole guild... isn't that something...?

Kagari's Thoughts: If you were still here with me, would you have wished me luck?

Kagari: Who am I kidding? Of course you would...

He fell silent before speaking again.

Kagari: Sorry for... dropping by like this... all of this is very... new to me, you know?

As he sat there, Kagari thought back to the adventures he had with Fairy Tail, from his arrival to Galuna Island and the Battle against Phantom Lord.

Kagari: This world is very strange to me... but the people I've met... are... kind... you'd like them. I'm sure you would...

Kagari: It hasn't been very easy for me... but I'd like to think I'm getting better...

Kagari: But I should have done so much more for you, and I'm sorry....

A memory came into Kagari's head, as he could be seen holding onto someone with the burning ruins of a destroyed city as a voice echoed in his mind.


"Please... never forget..... the promise you made.... to me... please...."

*End of Flashback*

Kagari stood up and prepared to walk away but took one last look at the grave.

Kagari: I haven't forgotten. I'll keep my promise to you and the others. I just hope you have forgiven me. Now, it's time for me to go. I have a fight to win.

With that, Kagari left to return to Magnolia, leaving the grave. As he walked away, Igris and Beru walked alongside their master with looks of concern.

The Shadow Monarch From Another World, The Shadow Summoner (Kagari x Fairy Tail)Where stories live. Discover now