Chapter 35: The Reawakening

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"5 More Chapters Left"

Within the memory of Kagari's subconscious mind, the five members of Fairy Tail were now witnessing the terrifying memory of the Double Dungeon Incident as they watched as two Hunters were killed right before their very qeyes.

Lucy was holding Natsu by his side as she and Happy were both paralyzed were utter fear with Erza holding her shoulder while Natsu and Gray looked on at the King Statue.

Gray: This is insane... and this is only the first memory too...

Natsu: We can't just stand here, we gotta do something...

Lucy: I know this is a memory but...

Lucy: I know this is a memory but

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Lucy: This feels too real...

Erza silently agreed, looking at the king statue along with the band of Hunters who survived the sudden attack.

Erza's Thoughts: She's right... even I'm scared right now.... How...? How is this Kagari's very first memory?

Erza's Thoughts: And how did he survive against such a monster...?

When she looked back at the Hunters, she was shocked to see that Kagari and the others were now bowing infront of the king statue.

Erza: They're all... bowing...?

Lucy: M-Maybe... it'll stop now...

Happy: I... I hope so...

Suddenly, the ground began to shake as the king statue stood up from its throne, looking down at the bowing Hunters.

Gray: Okay, now what?

Lucy: Is it... over?

Silence fell over the temple as the king statue stood motionless, until suddenly.

To everyone's horror, the most twisted, evil, and sadistic smile grew on the statue's face as it looked down at the humans below with an murderous glare

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To everyone's horror, the most twisted, evil, and sadistic smile grew on the statue's face as it looked down at the humans below with an murderous glare.

Erza/Gray: Oh... My... God...

Still smiling, the statue began to walk towards the Hunters, with the ground quaking after each step.

The Shadow Monarch From Another World, The Shadow Summoner (Kagari x Fairy Tail)Where stories live. Discover now