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1 week passed

Dharini's POV

I came home from school and went to my room. Drishu is sleeping, she's not well so she took leave from school. I changed my clothes, went to washroom, came out and sat beside Drishu. I put back of my hand on her forehead to check her fever. Her forhead is still burning. She might not be able to go school tomorrow as well.

I can hear mumma is talking to someone with great enthusiasm. Who might it be? Thinking that, I went to check and saw that mumma is talking to someone on telephone. As soon as she spotted me, she quickly motioned me to come to her. I went to her and instantly hugged me by putting her one arm around by shoulders while her other hand is clutching telephone receiver tightly. Soon she said her bye and kept receiver down.

"Rinii.." she called happily

What happened ma? I asked curious to know the reason behind her happiness.

"They said yes"

Who said ye...
Then I got it. Mishra sir's parents called.

"I'm so happy rini, my little princess will become someone's queen soon" she kissed my forehead. Soon tears of happiness spilled from her eyes.

I couldn't control my urge to ask.

But they were supposed to inform us in 2-3 days right?

"Yes, and when they didn't, I and your papa thought it's a no from their side but then Nalini informed me that some of their relative's daughter in law had premature delivery, so they had to rush to their village to see them. Thus, they didn't get time to call us back. In evening when your papa will come, I'll give him this news then we'll call them to fix a date for engagement"


is all I said.

She quickly went to kitchen and brought a piece of jaggery to sweeten my mouth. She seems too happy. That's what I wanted. That's what matters to me.


That day after talking to me, in evening, sir came to my home and talked to papa, while I was hiding behind curtain and listening to their conversation.

"Hello uncle" sir greeted

"Hello son. What happened? You should've called me, I would've come" papa said

"No uncle, I want to talk to you about Dharini"

About me?? Will he tell papa that I went to meet him alone?


"Actually, I wanted an educated and independent wife, and Dharini is still in school. If I get married to her, will she continue her education? My parents told me that it'll be my decision but I don't want to educate her forcefully. So what should I do?" he asked.

I think I judged him too soon.

"I want both my daughters to be educated and become independent, but you know our society doesn't like girls to be independent and those who are earning are just because of two reasons, either their in laws support them or their poor financial condition. I would be more than happy if you want my rini to complete her education and be independent. Who am I to stop you or oppose you?" Said papa with a glint eyes.

"Ok uncle and aunty (he took blessings of both of them), ma will call you." He said and left.

End of Flashback

Avan's POV

A week passed after my parents and I went to Dharini's home for the first time. I told my decision to ma baba as soon as I came home after talking to Dharini, then later that evening I went to her home to talk to her parents. But when I came back to my house, I guessed, from the packed bags, that ma and baba leaving.

So before I came, they got a call from Yogita bua that Sanjana bhabhi is having preterm labor and Sanjay Bhaiya is not in the village and it'll take him 1 day atleast to reach. When I told them my decision, ma and baba's face lit up by my answer, they hugged me and after giving me lots of blessings, they left.

They say I'm thinking too much. She's a simple girl and seemed innocent. After we get married, I can keep her the way I want. Ask her to continue study and help her to be a successful woman one day.

I guess I will not regret this later.

I saw her everyday in school and now I don't look at her the way a teacher looks at his student. The young woman who sit on the 4th bench of 2nd row is going to be my wife soon. I know she must be thinking that I rejected her but it's not my place to tell. My parents will tell when they call her parents.

Today I got a call from ma that they informed Dharini's parents about my decision and his father asked to consult priest for suitable dates for our engagement. Ma said the priest gave date of next Tuesday for engagement. Thank God annual function is coming so not much is being studied because of preparation. I can apply for leave and Dharini will also not lose much.
Already caring for her...My conscience said.

I remember Rajeev's reaction when I broke the news of my engagement.
As soon as I informed Rajeev that I finally said yes for Dharini and we're getting engaged on next tuseday, he reacted as if I'm talking about his engagement with Pratiksha Ma'am. He never leave a chance to fill the gap of a sibling in my life.

While I'm being happy, I'm also worried if this is happening with Dharini's consent or is she being forced to marry me. If she is, then no way I'm gonna marry her. I need to meet her before our engagement or even before the word goes out about our alliance because if she doesn't want to marry me, and we break this off, people will assume that she's at fault. The cases of teen girls eloping are also increasing here. I can't let people question her character when she's innocent.

So much dissapointed by those who read but never vote. Is it that difficult? Delaying update would be unfair for those who voted. Thankyou for voting❤❤

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