30. Daydreaming

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About things that won't come true
I am screaming
At the consuming web, I got myself into

What was I thinking?
In sweet demise, I am sinking

A moment of pleasure
Lifetime of Regret
Unhealthy coping knows no measure
Now I am stuck in this net

About stuff I should not
I am beaming
But the cost is a lot

Oh no
I should've known better
This blow
Has me sobbing in my sweater

Traded the long run for the one-shot
Such a moron I am
I have gotten trapped in my own plot
On my desk, my head, I want to slam

Losing the sense of reality
The series of regret is streaming
I am paying the price of being so carefree

Did I not see through it
That tore me bit by bit

I bought some instant joy
And paid future as a price
My own success I did destroy
For a moment in paradise

Reality and thoughts have unified
Now, I am redeeming
For pushing the greater good aside


Hey there, depressed souls! Here is another Sunday update. My preboards had been postponed and now my maths preboard is tomorrow and my syllabus is just...I don't even want to talk about it. Whenever I think about tomorrow's exam, all I want is to curl up in a ball and sob my eyes out.

I am really going to go crazy this week because the full syllabus preboards of tenth are there with one holiday in between for some subjects(My school really hates my guts) so I MIGHT miss the next Sunday update. I mean I do have the poem ready already but I might forget publishing it with the sword of exam dangling over my head. So, please cooperate.

As usual, I am questioning my priorities when publishing these in the midst of my preboards but still, do I care? Heck, no. 

Am I going to regret this later? Probably. 

Will I have a panic attack tomorrow morning before exam? Extremely likely.

But am I going to learn from my mistake and concentrate on my studies( 🤮)? Nah.

Am I still going to worry out of my mind while boring you to death with my pointless rants? Duh!

NOW, Vote, Comment, Share and all. WISH ME BEST OF LUCK so that I don't die under failure before publishing the next poem.

See you Soon!

Midnight Poetry (2): Dark Poems With Concealed MotivationWhere stories live. Discover now