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Panic is all around the grounds of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect and Lotus Pier, cultivators both young and experienced searching for a missing person. Who may that missing person be? None other than the Spirit Consultant Heng Jaw-Long. After Jiang Fengmian and the consultant had an... 'argument' - yeah, definitely an argument - the young heir retreated into the depths of lotus embroidered waters. And since then he was nowhere to be seen.

But there is someone who knows that what happened that night wasn't a simple argument. And that someone also knows how to find the missing Heng Daoming. That certain someone is Lan Huan.

The future-'Twin Jades of Gusu's shizun has given both him and his younger brother a set of jade tokens. Those special jade tokens have some of the spirit s Qi embedded into them and react when either Lan Huan or Lan Zhan pour a bit of their own Qi into the jade. The token would then show them the way back to him.

And that is exactly what the older Lan heir did after telling his brother to keep the token a secret from the others. That includes their own clan brethren. Xichen doesn't want anyone else to comfort his precious Shizun, he wants to do that. He wants to be there for him, soothe his tears and and calm his guilt.

Desperation clings to the teen's heart after one hour of flying over water and still, the jade shows him in the same direction. All this time could've been spent hugging and comforting his dear teacher if only he flew any faster. He grits his teeth and pushes a bit more of his Qi into his sword, eyes gleaming with hope when he sees a small island void of anything but vegetation. Please don't let it be like the few he found before..!

Relief floods his every fibre when he sees his Shizun curled up on himself and seemingly asleep. Xichen lands, almost stumbling before sheathing his blade, falling to his knees to pull one of his most precious people close to him. Poor man is shivering uncontrollably even in his dreams so the young Lan tries his best to coax him awake. It takes a few tries, but eventually red and puffy jade colored eyes flutter open to meet dark ambers.

"A-Huan? What are you doing here?" The boy smiles sadly at the adult, wrapping his arms around him. "I was worried because you were gone." A strange warble sounds from the man and he hugs his disciple close, hiding his face as new tears well up. They stay like that for a while, a long tail slithering around the older's body for extra comfort. He still feels terribly naked even though he's dressed.

Gentle hands cradle the spirit's face, softly wiping away the droplets staining the skin. "I... I- uhh... I saw." Horror makes the usually smiling face as pale as freshly fallen snow, ears drooped. "You saw..?" "Only a little..! I swear!" The young teen feels slightly hurt when his Shizun doesn't meet his gaze anymore. "I couldn't sleep anymore and wanted to ask Shizun if I could maybe cuddle for a little while, but you weren't in your bed. So I searched and... then I saw."

Big tears roll down the guilt and shame stricken face, teeth busying on a slightly swollen lower lip. "It's okay, I won't tell anyone. I can keep this a secret." Wet jades meet warm ambers and the man allows himself to be hugged again, curling up in a way that looks like a frightened animal.

Heng Jaw-Long has been there for Lan Huan and Lan Zhan for anything that might happen or plague them, comforting them without question.


Now it's time for Lan Huan to repay the favor.


My eyes still sting from the tears I shed but it feels better now, even if it's just by a little. I look at the kind boy I chose to have as my disciple, his smile turning even more gentle when our gazes meet. My eyes move up to the sky, the pit in my stomach turning heavier at seeing the sun's position. It's already around You Shi so it has been around three entire shi since the young Lan has found me here.

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