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It has been another two weeks now and the bump couldn't be more obvious. I thankfully don't have any of the pregnancy symptoms humans usually have, but I do feel quite exhausted. While I don't feel the need to eat or sleep more, I have to absorb more energy from my surroundings whenever I meditate.

These eggs feed on my Qi like crazy from my core.

Everyday MeiMei also provides my body with her own Qi, usually during the daily check ups. She uses that chance to not only feed my eggs but also check on their growth and health. Sometimes Xichen or Wangji would then ask if they could touch my belly, curious to the very bone. Of course I will always let them touch my slightly swollen abdomen, laughing everytime at how they react to even the smallest reaction from the eggs. These two boys are simply too precious.

"Shizun, Shizun! One of them flared their Qi against my hand!" A chuckle leaves my lips, patting the older brother's head. He always sounds so excited, telling me as if I couldn't feel it myself. But I always let him, seeing him like this makes me happy. "Again? They really seem to like you, hm?" Lan Huan smiles up at me, his smile so gentle yet oh so bright. "You think so?" I nod with a hum, making him even happier.

That little sunshine, he always knows how to brighten my day by even the simplest things. And his brother is the very same in that regard. Always so indifferent towards others, but the second he's with me he lets more of his emotions show in his eyes. Lan Zhan also isn't afraid of physical contact when it's with me. He always enjoys the little head pats and melts into the hugs. His favorite, I guess, would be whenever he sits in my lap.

"A-Long." And this would be my favorite thing to change: Lan Qiren finally calling me with the familiarity of family. I smile at the man and my younger disciple who walks with him. "A-Ren, A-Zhan." They nod their heads in greeting, like always. The only one missing from this group of my precious people is MeiMei, but she was asked to teach the next healers in Lan. So she is currently away doing just that.

My tail swishes in interest behind me, eyes blinking when I notice the small box in the adult's hands. "Oh, what's that you're carrying?" Though he doesn't smile, his eyes turn more gentle as he approaches. The man hands over the box into my hands. "It's just a little something I saw when I was on an investigation yesterday." Giddiness fills my every fibre at what he suggests.

"A-Ren brought me a gift?" He nods and so I remove the lid from the box, lips forming an 'o' in surprise. It's...it's jewelry. Two pairs of earrings and a waist ornament to be precise. 'Object Statistics' A screen pops into my vision, something I haven't used in quite a while. The earrings have a mind strengthening attribute to it, the tiny bells on them providing clarity and calm whenever they chime. For the waist ornament it says that it has a Mana boosting spell on it, affecting energy intake and output positively.

My smile returns as I look at Lan Qiren. "Do you like them?" "I do. Can you put the earrings in for me?" His expression is gentle when he nods, taking the box from my hands again to sit down infront of me. His fingers carefully unclasp my usual earrings, putting them in my palms before putting the new ones in. "The waist ornament I shall wear from tomorrow on. It doesn't fit quite as nice with my current robes." He nods while he readjusts the tassels from the jewelry in my lobes.

The man stands up again, holding out his hand for me to stand up as well. His pull is gentle, simply providing support. What a sweet doofus. "Thank you." Ever since they know about me expecting offspring the Lan have grown even more kind, offering to help me with almost everything. It's certainly appreciated, but I'm still not really used to it. Probably never will, if I have to be honest.

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