Chapter 18 - "Test Drive"

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The next few days passed peacefully.
Kale took charge of teaching Liza language just like with me.

It's certainly going to be a harder task, since Liza doesn't have a genetic memory to cheat off of.

As for me, without having anyone always bothering me, I was feeling kind of bored.
There's nothing like TV here, so the only thing I have to pass time is playing with children.

And I can't really call that fun, it's only fun for them while they're trying to ride me.
Plus, human transformation is still immensely uncomfortable and I can't really enjoy being transformed to play actual games with them.
They would just try to make me change back to let them on me anyway.

Now that I think about it, they haven't even cared about me ever since I returned with Liza.
They are all playing with that baby lizard instead of me.

I should be happy they aren't swarming me and restricting my movement but for some reason I actually feel jealous.
It's even using its gravity magic to make them all float and fly around.

Forget it, what I should be doing is appreciating the peace I have.
Right now, they're fighting over which one of them Shade likes the most.

Some of them are even cheating and offering him food.
Obviously that little scammer is just going to go for whoever is holding the most food.

I chose to ignore them and found a nice, clear spot to finish practicing my flight.

I fall and fall, but eventually it happens!

I'm finally flying!
Once I'm confident with moving around in the air, I go up higher and enjoy the view down at the land.
Thank god I'm not scared of heights, but that might just be because I have wings.

The wind hitting my face doesn't even bother me like I thought it might, nor do I feel like I have to close my eyes when I'm moving fast.
I thought I was going to be bored forever, but flying is fun!

The wind rushes past me as I flit over trees for hours before coming down.
As I get closer to the ground, I realize... I never practiced how to land!

I hit the dirt with a loud thud but luckily I didn't break my legs or anything like that.
As I looked around, I notice I landed where this all started.
My former home cave was now abandoned and empty, but I still take some time to appreciate it.

--- Jora Village

The village was peaceful and no longer had any natural threats, but peaceful times are never permanent.
Soon after Lava left, a group of bandits invaded the village.

Kale quickly gathered all the children inside the orphanage building, including the little Abyssalix.

"Listen up, you trash! You're all gonna search desperately for anything valuable in this worthless place!" The lead of the bandits yells with a smug grin, "And don't even imagine leaving anything out!"

Suddenly, Kale jumps out and tries to stop them on his own.

"The hell is this?" One of the side bandits cackles, "Go back to bed before we turn your lights out, you damn fossil! You look like no one's dusted you off in fuckin' years!"

"Shut your traps, dastardly vermin! I still have enough left in me to send you flying!" Kale retorts before trying to cast <Shockwave> at the villains.

The leader pulls out a wide sword with runic engravings on the blade, and the magic dissipates before reaching them.
He punches Kale to the ground before following him with the sword.

"It's useless, old man! This here is a dragonslayer, none of your feeble magic can reach me! So die!"
He swings his sword down towards Kale, but Mino blocks it.

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