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Suddenly, it's no longer 'Lauren & Camila' but 'Lauren & Camila & Thomas', and Lauren is a whole lot bitter because she hasn't been forced to share Camila for a while, and now she doesn't only have to share Camila but also her favorite spot.

Thomas is a sweet enough kid, Lauren admits grudgingly, albeit a little too shy and nerdy. He's not cocky fuckboy like Austin had been, so Lauren supposes it could've been worse. He goes to Northwest High and is obsessed with Harry Potter. Before Lauren knows it, Camila is obsessed with Harry Potter, too. Lauren is getting roped into a Harry Potter Marathon.

In the first few weeks, Camila looks endeared to Thomas because he gives her flowers and gets passionate about the things he loves. Camila hasn't had to pay for a thing at the café since they got together. Lauren's wallet sighs a sigh of relief, and in absolutely no way does she miss paying for Camila's insatiable appetite. Not really. Maybe a little. Whatever.

She has to suffer through Camila and Thomas's insufferable flirting and lingering gazes across the café. If Camila was distracted from work before, she never gets anything done now.

But then the second month of Camila and Thomas rolls around, and suddenly, they aren't hanging out much. Camila forgets more meetings with her boyfriend than what's healthy for their relationship.

Lately, Thomas looks annoyed when Lauren is still always there, never too far away, as if she's Camila's shadow. Slowly but surely, Camila finds excuses for them to hang out anywhere. Still, at the café, and really, Lauren doesn't mind because lately, the café hasn't felt like their own.

One day, they're hanging out at Camila's house and eating poorly made nachos as they watch the latest episode of Game of Thrones. Camila suddenly gasps dramatically, but Lauren ignores her, engrossed in the happenings on the screen.

"Lauren!" Camila calls, but Lauren narrows her eyes and seems to ignore her. But of course, it's fucking impossible to ignore Camila because the next second, the girl is tugging at her. Then, she abruptly smacks a pillow square across Lauren's face.

"Camz!" Lauren cries and pauses the show before turning on her friend. "What?"

Camila beams at her. "They've finally opened the outdoor ice rink," she says, shoving her phone in Lauren's phone, too close for Lauren to see anything she's trying to show her.


"We should go!"

"I'm gonna take a pass. You know I hate ice skating," Lauren says, and even so, Camila somehow manages to drag her along year after year. You should take Thomas."

Camila suddenly stops bouncing around and grows very still. She lowers her gaze to her fingers. "Well..."

Lauren stares at her. "What is it?"

Camila shrugs, pouts, and heaves a deep sigh. Lauren waits, but Camila keeps her eyes down, fiddling with a loose string in her baby blue pajama bottoms.

"I'm dying of suspense," Lauren says impatiently.

Camila sighs again. "Tommy is a sweet guy, you know? He loves movies and cuddling, and he's a little quirky, but that's what makes him unique. He gets me flowers, and I can eat all the pastries I want. He's good to me."

Lauren nods, watching her friend. "But?"

Another sigh. Camila chews a bit on the string of her hoodie, "But...I don't feel anything." She looks up at Lauren; her doe eyes are wide and guilty.

Lauren sits up straighter and turns her body towards Camila to show she's there and listening.

"What do you mean?" she inquires.

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