'Broken Trust, Hope.

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The annual high school dance is just around the corner, and Camila lives for these things. She blabbered about how she wanted to experience it with a high school sweetheart. Before Shawn, she'd never had the chance, but now that she does, she's been counting down the days.

Lauren hasn't been able to burst her bubble when she's so happy and excited, especially when there's a chance she could be mistaken. 

This brings her to this stupid dance— that she doesn't die for but feels dying because of— watching Camila and Shawn being all lovey-dovey on the dance floor. And it's hard because Camila looks so pretty in her white dress and flowing dark hair, like an ethereal fairy princess.

 She's got stars in her eyes as she looks at Shawn. They look adorable together, and Lauren almost believes that she's genuinely wrong.


There are moments when Lauren catches Shawn's gaze wandering, searching, and landing on Connor Franta, who's being obnoxious with his soccer pals and sneaking liquor into his punch when the teachers aren't looking.

And if Lauren didn't want to go home before, she likes to go home when she sees Lucy.

(Of course, they've seen each other since the breakup, which is pretty unavoidable given that they go to the same school and share a couple of classes. It's been three months, and it's awkward whenever they accidentally make eye contact.)

Lucy looks beautiful in her red dress, which compliments her warm skin tone and braided updo. Lauren almost wants to walk up to her because, in all honesty, she misses her, and even though they properly are better off apart, perhaps they could still be friends. 

She's about to muster up the courage to approach her ex-girlfriend but falters when some boy walks up to her and wraps his arms around her, kissing her squarely. Lauren swallows around the lump in her throat and spins on her heels, her lungs suddenly desperate for fresh air.

So she sits on the bleachers and stares at the bright, full moon in the black sky. She closes her eyes briefly and lets out a soft sigh. It's hard watching someone move on even though you haven't been together for months. She still remembers what it'd been like to be with Lucy and realizes she misses feeling like that with someone. Except it isn't that simple when the someone you'd like to feel close to already is close with someone else.

She's deep in her thoughts, so she doesn't hear a couple of teenagers who've snuck out into the dark again, stumbling under the bleachers not far from where she's sitting.

She first discovers that she isn't alone when she hears heavy breathing. She sits up and looks around, perking her ears, but there's nothing but the soft breeze ruffling the tree leaves.

She shrugs it off as her imagination and is about to fall back into her thoughts when she hears soft cursing. She sits up straighter and looks around at the dark, empty field. Nothing. But then, seconds later, it's there again, someone cursing under their breath.

"Oh, fuck," she hears more clearly. Unmistakably, a breathless man's voice and then quickly followed by a deep, unmistakably boyish moan.

She realizes it comes from under the bleachers and rolls her eyes hard. It appears that a couple of horny kids couldn't keep their hands to themselves and snuck away from under the supervisors' watchful eyes. Of course, they decide to get freaky right under where Lauren is thinking about her stupid life.

"Oh fuck, that's good. Keep going, fuck."

Lauren grimaces and rises to her feet, not interested in hearing more. She stealthily ascends the few steps down to the ground and startles when she hears something knock against the metal.

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