Chapter 16- Another Mother

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" What do you mean you're going to be parents?" I asked like I didn't already know what those words meant. It couldn't be true right?

" Are you deaf or you just can't comprehend simple English? By the way, inthe news isn't for you. Am here to share this happy news with Markus." She said as she glanced around the house.

" Like I said he isn't here. Go look for him in his office or something. Go share your happy news." My voice sounded so furious.

" Why do you think I came back here? I called his office but they wouldn't put me through to him even when I told them it was very important."

Yeah, very important. I didn't know what to think, my mind was blank, I was pregnant for Markus and now another woman walked in here claiming to also be carrying his child.

I was confused.

Suddenly not in the mood to converse with her anymore I turned to head back to my room, I needed space to think. What would happen now if the child she was carrying was really his? Would he marry her while I walk around here waiting to give birth and let them be parents to my child?

Tears. I felt them burn my eyes. I knew I said I wanted my child to have complete parents, but I didn't want him calling someone mom that wasn't me. The thought was painful. I couldn't bear seeing my child look at me like a stranger if eventually I am not allowed to be in his or her life.

He would hide behind another woman and call me a stranger.

I rushed to my room as I opened the door and quickly shut it. I slowly slid down the floor as I broke into a sob. What have I done to myself? This pain was so much, it was like I had already lost something even before getting it.

I stayed seated on the floor for however long as time just flew by.

Rena knocked on my door several times but I didn't open it, I didn't even make a sound. I was lost in my own thoughts. Silent tears rolled down my eyes as a voice kept telling me how much of a horrible person I was that I sold my unborn child and took away his or her chance at happiness.

Mustering up enough strength I stood up from the floor as I grudgingly made my way to the bed and crawled on it. I drew the covers to my chin as I wallowed in my pain.

My stomach growled but I ignored it, I had gone to puke almost twice and was hungry, why was I punishing myself?

I finally gave in to my hunger as I rose from the bed with a sigh and went outside my room.

I could hear voices coming from downstairs like people were arguing, the male voice belonged to Markus, and I could tell the other voice belonged to the lady from earlier. The woman who had claimed to be pregnant with Markus' child.

" It was a one-time thing and we both used protection," Markus yelled and the anger could be heard in his voice.

" I don't know but I haven't been with anyone after you, it must have happened somehow. This child is ours and we must do what responsible parents do." She said on the verge of tears.

" I don't have a problem raising a child but don't expect that I am going to get married to you now that you come here crying with that report. I will support the child but that's all I can give you." He said with finality in his voice.

" You got to be kidding me? Are you insinuating that we won't be together to raise this child?" She asked with bewilderment.

" That, my dear is what I mean. If this happens to be mine, I am taking him or her, I will not leave my child to some low life." He said before walking away from her. His eyes caught sight of mine before they withdrew from me and finally, he left.

So was that what he thought of me too? Some low life?

" Are you just going to keep standing there?" I was brought out of my thoughts by a voice.

Was she ready to face me now? I wasn't in the mood.

" Do you have a problem with me standing here?" I asked her as my eyes challenged her to utter anything that would set me off. I wasn't in the right mind to be arguing with anyone because I might say something that would leave a lasting mark on the person's heart, so if she knew what was good for her she should avoid pressing the wrong button.

" Bitch." She muttered before walking off. Could my life get any more dramatic?

I went into the kitchen to find something to eat. I wanted something sweet, Markus was too angry to even notice me taking them. He would be occupied with the thought of having another child.

I opened the freezer and to my surprise found ice cream. I took the bowl and made myself comfortable on the floor as I started taking a scoop of it. I moaned as the flavor hit my tongue. This was the good thing about taking sweets, they instantly wiped away your bitterness and anger. I was feeling a thousand times better than I was just a minute ago.

" Ma'am, what are you doing here?" I jumped in fright but suddenly processed the voice, it was Rena.

" Sorry ma'am I didn't mean to frighten you. I just saw you sitting here and was worried something was wrong." She said as she squatted to where I sat on the floor.

" I didn't want Markus to find me taking this," I said as I raised the bowl of the ice cream I was holding.

" You can go to your room ma'am, I'll bring it up to you if you don't mind." She said as she rose up bringing her hand to help me up. I didn't want her to get in trouble so I told her it was fine that I would take it up myself.

As I got to my room and opened the door, I stopped right on my track at the sight that greeted me.


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