Chapter 111- Kidnapped

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The world around me became dark, everything around me was covered in darkness like I was being cast a spell. Alexandra wasn't in the room, she wasn't with Markus then where was she?

" Ma'am, ma'am," I felt someone shaking me but my mind was too clouded. The person didn't stop which made me eventually come back to my senses.

" Alexandra, Alexandra," That was the first thing I said as soon as I realized myself and remembered my situation.

" Go! Go! Tell the security to search the whole house, search everywhere, my daughter is in this house," I said as the maid quickly kicked into action.

If I found out Markus was playing some silly games with me I swear I was going to chop off his balls.

I went to Alexandra's room to search for her, for all I knew she might be in her room.

I opened the door and rushed to her bed but she wasn't there. Alexandra was still a baby, she couldn't sit or crawl, I would have concluded that she crawled from my room to hers but she couldn't. Even if she could crawl she wouldn't be able to open the door.

Her nanny came back to the room without Alexandra.

" Did you find her?"

" No madam, we've checked everywhere but she's nowhere to be found," What was happening to me?

" I have to go see Markus?"

" What is going on here?" Markus' voice suddenly filled the room.

" Markus, are you with Alexandra? I've been looking everywhere for her?"

" What are you talking about? Why would I take her from you? You went to bed together last night and I didn't bother waking you up because I didn't want to bother you so what's all this I'm hearing?"

" Are you trying to say you're not with her?" As I asked that question the realization that my daughter was actually missing hit me. I broke into a sob.

Markus rushed to me as my feet felt unsteady and I was about to collapse.

" Where's my daughter? My daughter, I want my child," My sobbing wasn't going to solve anything but I couldn't help it, I didn't know where my child was, please God let this be a terrible nightmare that I'll wake up from.

" Please help me find her, please," I just couldn't calm down. I was just told yesterday that I could be with her, and today she's taken from me.

Who did I ever offend?

Markus tried to calm me down but I couldn't stay calm. I just couldn't believe that my baby girl wasn't in my arms, there was nothing worse than that.

I preferred not being able to see her and knowing she was healthy and okay in the arms of her father to not knowing where she was.

I heard Markus speaking to someone but I was too lost in my agony to care.

" We'll find her, I promise you, she'll be okay,"


Why was this happening to me? It felt like someone was always out for me. They wanted my baby girl dead even before she was born now they've succeeded in taking her from me, whoever it was that was responsible for this should be ready to burn in hell. Because I'll make sure I give him or her hell here on earth to be continued in hell in the afterlife.

The entire house was searched but there was no trace of Alexandra. My baby girl was missing.

Jane had been so anxious checking every room in the house like she had gone crazy, she wouldn't relax, how could she?

She searched even the rooms that I asked my staff to check claiming they didn't check well. She was going to tire herself out.

She kept blaming herself, but I had to reassure her this wasn't her fault.

" Yes officer," I hated calling the police because they never get anything done. They were yet to get a hold of who set Jane's room on fire, how could I trust them to help find my child?

" We found something," As he said this I turned to Jane to see if she was looking at me and unfortunately she was, I wanted to talk to the officer in private but I couldn't dare move with the way she was looking at me.

" What did you find?" I asked him as I watched Jane quietly come to sit beside me.

" We'll be right there," As soon as I ended the call I was bombarded with questions from Jane.

" Did they find her? Can we go pick her up? Is she alright? Is my daughter fine? "

" Jane! Jane, calm down," I held her shoulder as she broke down yet again.

" Why would someone do this to an innocent child? she's a child why would someone want to do this? I want my daughter," She sobbed into my shirt and my heart tugged.

There was this voice in my head telling me it was all my fault.

" Let's go to the police and hear what they have to say, okay?" She only nodded her head, unable to say a word.

I got up helping Jane up as we both walked out of the house to the car. I opened the door for her and helped her into the car then I drove us to the police station.

" Officer, what's the news on my daughter?" I asked him as soon as we entered his office.

" We found this and didn't want to conclude it belonged to your daughter so we had to call you for confirmation," He dropped a baby overall on his table and Jane quickly picked it up.

She looked at this overall thoroughly as if refusing to believe it belonged to our daughter then I watched her eyes start to fill with tears again.

" Markus, this belongs to Alexandra, Markus this was what she had on last night, Markus I'm going to go crazy if they don't give me back my child," Jane slowly started to rise from her seat like she had gone crazy. The sight scared me.

She tried to make her way to the door screaming Alexandra but I held her.

She wasn't in her right mind.

" Calm down, take deep breaths, everything is gonna be okay, breathe," I hugged her trying to calm her down when I noticed that she had suddenly gone limp.

She fainted because of exhaustion.

I didn't know how I was going to deal with this, but what I knew was that whoever had my child would suffer.

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