Chapter 1

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"I can't believe yall got me out here with yall asses," I said lowly but loud enough for everyone to hear.

We were walking across the field of the campus yard into the Blackwood hood behind the college. We were so far off campus you couldn't even hear the band anymore.

Don't know why the fuck they practice so late anyways. It was 10 going on to 11 had to be on a Friday night and I'm out here on a hoe mission.

Crazy I have to start the stor- nevermind That's that bullshit, but whatever. Let's get this shit popping.

Cars lined up filling against the street, niggas standing on their porches, and girls walking around looking for some to fuck now look at us right along with them.

"Girl please shut the fuck up and keep walking come on" Mari scuffed as she pulled her dress down to keep it from rising.

So if you're wondering how we got here Mari, myself, a hoe named Mercedes who I just met and can deal without, and my other suitmate Kelsei got a text message from some niggas. Sounds good right?

Hell naw dummy. Not at all I didn't see the big deal but tweedy hoe and tweedle thot was geeking the fuck out all cause it was fraternity niggas, specifically asking for them.

Yeah, okay. I didn't know who they were, and I didn't care either way. I knew right off the bat it was a booty call, but some girls go to it. The nigga gotta come to me the fuck I look like.

So Kelsei and I tagged along just being generous, to make sure everything was everything. Even though we weren't for this whole, let's fuck the coo niggas on the yard, we still came.

Aye, aye where yall walking too? Looking bad as hell! Some old ass nigga yelled walking out his yard shirtless. Don't know why nigga had a pot belly and that shit wasn't cute.

"Eww, hell naw let's keep moving" Lexus or whatever her name is said to us as we turned down a block. I got on my phone and saw all the things

I was missing out on fooling with them. 3 of my shows were on, a smoke sess with my boys, and free time to shop on SHEIN and PLT.

All cause we out here chasing dick just tragic. "And why the fuck exactly these niggas couldn't pick us up?" I questioned causing Mari to sigh.

"Because, they didn't want to make it obvious that they were coming on the yard to scoop us up". I looked at her with that "bitch are you dumb" face. "

So that makes it any better to walk cause what" I asked cause make it make sense. Ossy, come on. You can sit outside if you don't feel comfortable. You too Kelsei. I already know you're not down with this."

"I don't feel uncomfortable. I'm just tired of walking, where do these bum niggas stay at? Like foreal?" I snapped as I crossed my arms over my chest. I just didn't understand why they couldn't get a car, and get us. At least meet a bitch halfway" I mumbled.

"Well, umm do you know anything about these guys? What if they're carrying diseases, and you plan on having sex with them? Do they even have condoms? Cause these are the kind of-."

"Kelsei hush girl, you killing the mood. Ion even know why yo nerdy ass even stepped foot out yo room," Ford snapped as she dragged her hand down to pat the fuck out that stiff ass weave in her head.

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