Chapter 21

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"So he said what?" Mia asked, mouth dropped as she helped me move my things into my new place. I grabbed a small two bedroom house with Mia, just behind the school yard with the help of my parents, the university, and the money I made from playing my violin. Definitely didn't plan on staying on campus anymore. I became an instant celebrity from dating a D boy, to getting my ass beat.

Everyone had something to say about Kelsei. I haven't seen Mari, or Ossy since, and now that it's homecoming weekend, with today being the football game, everyone was busy trying to get hype. Like I said in the beginning of the story, I rarely partake in school activities. Pointless, and a waste of time if you ask me. Same thing every year. Marching band cuts up on the yard, Greeks walk around like colorful royalty, and the average students like us watch in awe.

Not me, not ever. So now it was a Saturday afternoon, and after coming back from LA with Kenton a day ago, I was completely exhausted, but I felt like I was getting back to my old self once again. "Kelsei, are you listening?" Mia asked as I turned to look at her, pushing my glasses up. We stood in our living room, boxes everywhere trying to unpack in our new place.

"I am listening," I told her, looking at my best friend as she tied her long braids up. "That nigga isn't no good for you anyway, I told you he be hitting me up on the low all the time, trying to fuck," she said as my eyes grew wide. She nodded slowly. "Gurl, Kenton is a hoe, and will always be a hoe.

Not saying that he didn't like you, but he's one of those niggas that won't know what he had until it's gone. So you need to put distance between the two of you. Yall being so close isn't healthy anyway if you're not in a serious relationship," she stated as I nodded in agreement. "I know," I told her, feeling my phone vibrate in my back pocket.

Speak of the devil, and he calls. Looking at the screen, I decided to answer. I didn't want things to be awkward between Kenton, and I. Still very much enjoyed his company, but it was time that I do me. "Hello?" I smiled, hearing the loud music being turned down. "What's good with ya baby? You like yo new place? I told you to send me pictures of that shit, and the address so I can stop by, and give you a housewarming gift."

"It's so junky in here though Kenton," I complained as Mia signaled for me to hang up the phone, looking pissed. I just waved her off as I stepped over the boxes, heading to my room on the right side. All that laid in here were two mattresses stacked on top of each other, my violin case sitting in the corner, and a huge oval shaped mirror in another corner. This will have to do for now until.

"You at the house now? Why you not at the game? I keep seeing niggas tweet about this shit. Supposed to be one big ass party at the stadium right now." "You know I'm not into that stuff," I sighed, sitting on my mattress, looking at my dingy nails. "You're not on your way over here are you?" "I am," Kenton laughed, honking the horn at someone. "Aye move the fuck out the way! Shit! Niggas can't drive worth a fucking damn bruh!" He snapped suddenly.

"Yo, I'm by the school now, where do I turn at?" As soon as I told him the directions to my place, I hung up feeling like I just failed myself. What was all that shit I spewed out earlier about distancing myself, and doing me? Now the man was on his way over here? I quickly looked at myself, face still bruised but it was getting better with time. My curly black hair was pulled back in a simple ponytail, and I wore slacks with an oversized t-shirt.

Stepping back into the living room as Mia sat on a box, she gave me that knowing look. "He's coming over here isn't he?" She asked as I nodded with a smile, shrugging. "Okay bitch, you'll learn when I tell you he's no good for you." "I'll be okay. He said what he had to say, and so did I." She rolled her eyes just as his infamous black truck pulled up, music blasting.

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