PART 1: Free... or not?

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Three days.

I have been locked in this cell for three entire days.

I feel so helpless... Stuck here, in this little confined dusty stone room, behind bars, like a bird in a cage, chained to the wall and dressed in rags.

My name is Micheal, and how I got here is a whole story of itself.

It was... a normal day. A normal day that any human being would understand.

I was working on a school project at home, until...

A... black portal appeared behind me.

It was like gateway a to hell, or like a wormhole to another dimension...

And how I feel now, I can safely say its a bit of both.

Curiosity got the best of me, and... I stepped in it.

Then, I am scared to tell what happened.

I got... sucked in, no turning back, and then, I was alone, alone on a road, into this dark land.

The next thing that happened was that I got seen by... very pale looking people... 

I thought they where fine, but soon I saw their fangs, their red eyes, their bloodthirsty look...

They charged at me, and I just knew I was being hunted. Hunted by vampires.

I ran, and ran, and ran, but the vampires caught up to me. 

I do not know why, but they restrained me, sprayed something on me that made me feel so weak...

I was slowly losing consciousness.

And well, the next thing I know, I wake up in this cell, dressed in rags and chained to the wall.

I feel so owned...

And that is what the past three days have looked like for me. trapped in a strange world of vampires I have no knowledge of, detained and chained in a dark, dusty, cold cell.

I'm a prisoner while I have done nothing wrong.

I can't do anything... they have already yelled warnings at me so many times...

No sounds, no shaking your shackles, no trying to pull them of, and if I even try to do it, they threatened me that they will make my presence here more miserable that it already is.

I don't want any of that, I don't want to die!

So, here I am, sitting in this cell, mute as a plant, not moving an inch.

I even have been holding in my tears, this is terrible...

Is this where I meet my end? Trapped here? Where am I even?

My thoughts are soon silenced by the sound of a metal door opening.

I hear that its coming from the end of the hallway.

Are my captors here again? Did I break a warning?

I hear two people walk through the hall, past all the cells.

"What is wrong with you people? Do you mistreat your humans this hard?"

That is strange to hear. The vampire I heard saying that is not like the others... Is he even one of my captors?

"What am I looking at? WHAT AM I LOOKING AT? That one is almost a skeleton!"

The voice gets louder and louder, and the footsteps become clearer and clearer to hear.

Then, with my vision a bit blurry from all this sitting still doing nothing, I see in front of me, behind the bars, one of my captors that got me three days ago. But the vampire next to him... I don't know him.

He is dressed very formally, with golden details on his suit, and he is wearing a cape, black on the outside but red on the inside.

It all looks very expensive, that vampire must be filthy rich!

"And what about this one? He looks still fine..."

"We snatched that one of the road a few days ago, so, he is still fresh."

Are they talking about me? The way they do it... am I considered property to them?

"Could you kindly give me the papers of the details?"

The captor hands the formal dressed vampire a clipboard.

"Lets see here... blood type is what i'm looking for, he looks healthy enough..."

My mind is racing with questions, what is going to happen?

"Alright, i'll take him."

Right after that, the captor opens the door, and comes to me with a bunch of keys.

"I'm going to undo the chains, human, and you are going to walk with us nicely and slowly, unless you want to be in a whole new world of pain."

He sounds so calm yet so threatening at the same time as he unlocks the chains.

I obey his command and get up, weakly walking beside him.

The formal dressed vampire lets me lean on him, this way, we reach some sort of lobby.

"So, I guess we have a deal?"

"If you have the money, it is yours."

"Alright, then give me your price"


They are discussing my price.

Oh crap, looks like I really am considered property in this weird realm.

Then I see them argue. Something is not right...

"I'm not paying that amount for the horrible way you treat your humans!"

"Your excellency, we understand, but we have a business to run."

"... Fine! 965! That is my final offer!"

"Well, that'l be enough."

They... agree on me. Oh dear, what will happen to me now?

I feel used, inanimate, like nothing...

The formal dressed vampire seems to be ending the deal on my "purchase".

"Alright, here are your ownership papers, and if you think we are too cruel against humans, I don't know if you want this, but we have to give it. Company policy."

The formal dressed vampire takes a whole set of papers and...

A collar. 

A collar with spikes on it, attached to a leash.

I... I don't want to know what is going to happen next.

The vampires shake hands, and then the formal dressed one comes back to me.

"Alright, pet, time to go home."

Pet? I'M A PET?

I'm freaked out. For the first time in days I am shocked, and my emotions are active as anything.

Cmon, Micheal, this is just a nightmare, but... That can't be! Nightmares don't last so long!

He reaches his hand out to me and helps me up, again letting me lean on him.

He leads me outside, there, I can see a carriage, pulled by dark horses, red glowing eyes.

I feel so confused.

He helps me to the carriage, lets someone, he looks like a servant, but I can also see those fangs, he is also a vampire, open the door.

Then he helps me inside.

i'm now sitting on a very comfortable seat, in the carriage.

The formal dressed vampire pats me on the shoulder.

"There, there, don't worry, everything will be fine."

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