PART 4: Sweet dreams, pet

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My room?

This is quitte the grand bedroom...

Before me is a decent sized room, dark red wallpaper, black carpet floor.

A grand king-size bed, with soft blankets, multiple carefully washed and smoothed pillows, looking very soft and smelling like lavender.

There are two nightstands, one on each side of the bed, each having various things on them, with two tiny drawers on each one.

The real thing that makes this room different from a normal bedroom is the big, wooden sign on the wall above the bed with a message written on it in capital letters:


That is the one thing that makes this room not normal.

That thing makes me once again realize how stuck I am here.

It makes me feel so sad inside for the... well, I lost track of how many times I have had this feeling...

The feeling of being helpless and sad.

"Well, this is your bed, its the only "bed" in the castle, as the rest of us sleep in coffins, but for the pet we obviously are going to let them sleep in something they are used to, this might be even better than the one you have at home!"


By saying that Bastion has effectively added homesickness to my mix of negative emotions.

My mood saddens even more, and my face pictures it clearly.

Bastion reacts to it very fast:

"Micheal? Is everything alright?"

"Bastion... I feel homesick..."

I let out some tears.

He looks at me with a rather neutral expression.

"Oh, Micheal... I understand, but this is just it. You will have to get used, its just stuff that happened, You where caught fair and square, and I purchased you fair and square."

"I was not caught "Fair and square"!"

"In vampire law, you were..."


Vampire law? Damn it, now i'm reminded of how this is not the real world, but a vampire world.

All of it gives me a headache.

"Wow, you don't look so good... perhaps you are low on energy. There, lay down on the bed."

Lie down on the bed? In this suit? Vampire standards are so strange... 

I obey and get on the bed, lying down.

"Feeling any better? Tell you what, just keep lying where you are, and i'll go get you something so you can replenish your energy, does that sound good to you?"

"Sure, i'll... be here..."

He leaves, leaving me alone in the room.

As I lie down, I start contemplating my situation.

I have no place else to go, the only thing I can do is...


Adapt to my current situation. 

Its sounds hard, but what else can I do?

My mind feels like its finally coming to a conclusion, putting itself down, tired of thinking.

Maybe being a pet is not that bad...

I only really have two people to worry about right now: Dadadoo and Stinger.

With how those two behaved when they first saw me, they don't really treat me like a person, they take the "pet" thing extremely strictly.

Bastion is the only one I fully trust, Charlotte is not going to torture me or anything, she just thinks i'm cute... I think.

And I have not even met Quesanta, who knows how he will be?

Its hard to accept, but its just the first time, i'll just have to rest and see what tomorrow will bring. 

And then, the door opens and Bastion enters the room again.

He has a tray with him.

On the tray seems to be a glass with orange juice in it, and a plate with some bread.

He sets it on the bed and sits on a chair next to the bed.

"Here you are, I just picked from the pantry what I thought would be best for you."

"Thank you, bastion, say... I actually feel a bit better here now."

He then gets a surprised face.

"Wow, that was fast. Well, tomorrow i'm going to give you a proper tour of the castle, you'll meet Quesanta and then the most important thing: I am going to show you how we are going to feed of you."

I almost choke on my bread.

My mind is calm on the situation right now, but the feeding will almost certainly include serious pain...

I do not feel ready for that.

Bastion sees the uncertainty on my face.

"Oh, calm down. You'll get used, there is a first time for everything, yes, its gonna hurt, but we'll start... there."

He taps my shoulder.

"It'll hurt less there, and soon you'll be used, and after a while, we can start doing it how vampires normally do it, by the neck."

"Wait, how did you know I was afraid of the pain of the bite?"

he smirks before laughing a bit.

"We vampires can read minds, Micheal."

He smirks again.

"What? You can do that?"

"You have clearly not read your mythology books, Micheal. Someday you'll know everything we can do."

"Oh, sure, I guess..."

I take a sip of the orange juice.

"Say, do you drink this?"

I question Bastion, as i'm surprised on how he has everyday human products in his vampire castle.

"No Micheal, we have human food in the house, but its only for the pet or if we want something unique to eat, blood is our only real sustenance."

"Ah, ok, so... I guess that is a good thing for me? Haha..."

Bastion smiles, I believe he is trying to comfort me with my current situation.

That is honestly very kind of him, I never thought a vampire could be like him.

"Its time for bed, Micheal."

"Bed? I don't get to decide when I go to bed?"

"No, Micheal, we decide that. Pet humans need at least 9 hours of sleep, And its my responsibility as your owner to ensure that the pet of the family stays healthy."

"Alright... I'll obey..."

"Do you want me to cover you up with the blankets?"

I feel strange when he asked that question.

"Um... No, thanks, i'm good."

"Good night, well, there is not really a night here."

He chuckles.

"Whatever, sleep tight, Micheal. I unfortunately have some county affairs tomorrow, so I will be out of the castle tomorrow morning. I'll be back as soon as possible to give you the tour I promised, in the meantime, i'll get a maid to cover your care for you while i'm gone."


No, no, no! Without Bastion, I don't feel safe here!

But before I can speak, he has already shut the door and left.

The room is in darkness now.

I sigh, tomorrow will be hard...

I get a bit comfy in the bed, and... Drift... Asleep...

Pet HumanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon