the park

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I was laying in his bed watching tiktok not knowing what to do while he's gaming with his friends and playing warframe

"Hey lil boi?" he asks

"Yes daddy" I reply as I turn around to look at him

"I was wondering if you would like to go for a walk" he asks

"It's night time though" I say

"Well duh" he says

"Sure then, a night walk wouldn't be bad" I say

"Alright then lil boi" he replys

I start to get dressed in shorts and a shirt because it hot out and I just need something lite

"No clothes lil boi" he says

"But what if there are people out" I say

"Do dogs usually wear clothes" he says

"No daddy" I reply

"Then take your clothes off and then come over here" he demanded

"Yes sir" I reply

I take off my clothes and go to stand next to my daddy and then he points to the floor and I get on my knees infront of him

"Good boy" he says

He then puts a collar on me and gives me head scratches and a cheek kiss

We then walk down stairs and go outside to walk, as we start walking

"How come your not on all fours puppy" he says

" oh sorry sir" I say

"That's not what I asked" he says in a tone

"I didn't know I was supposed to be on all fours daddy" I reply

" well now you know, down pup" he demanded

"Yes master" I say

I proceed to get on all fours and walk next to my owner

" sit lil puppy"  he tells me

*sits down*

"Good boy" he says and gives me head pats

As we are walking we see this field with grass and trees and we walk over and I start to walk around and he yanks the leash back

"Come back here lil puppy I didn't say you can go anywhere" he demands

"Yes master" I say as I walk back and sit next to him

I get curious and start walking off again next to a tree where he can see me. As I turn around to look at the field, I can start feeling his hands on me as I turn around I see him looking down at me

"I told you not to go anywhere didn't i" he says

"Yes sir I'm sorry" I say in a whimper

"Well now your getting punished" he says

He then puts me in doggy and starts fucking me senselessly, I can feel all of his cock in my tiny tight hole after a few he then takes it out, not thinking any thing of it he puts his cock deep in my ass

" f-fuck daddy t-that hurts" I say

A daddy and his lil boiWhere stories live. Discover now