Part: 23 New Semester

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1/19/2024 5:50am

I saw your eyes in a dream.
I cried I'd never see them again
Then I stepped into this semesters class and a bright eyed figure wore them.

Staring into my soul who are you
So familiar yet so far away
On opposite ends of the classroom
I hope you move closer one day
Tell me what's behind your eyes
Auburn and brown and honey in the light
Behind round glasses
And messy blond hair
Behind nerdy freckles
A trait to be shared
Who is this mysterious
Person I see
An aquentence
Or a stranger we just have to see
But I saw you stare through me
Those eyes looking at me
That soul from a dream
Awoke something within me. 

1/19/2024 3:04 pm

Options where do they come from
What can I say this list is a way
For the gamblers to roll that everlasting dice
Help is what I asked for
And years later it might
Advice for this mist
Covering my eyes
Where did they come from
How did I acquire
These options
Are spawning
Out of desire

Out of the woodwork
spilling out from the walls
What will I miss
what will I not know
The lights been turned on and I'm in the unknown
With wanderers
And strangers
A bright light aura
Where have you been
Will you all leave
Career opportunities and people to meet
Coming out of the woodwork
Looking for me.
Constant Class Crush

I can say I like girls
I can say I like guys
But what I really likes the souls behind someone's eyes
I talk to you after class
We've never really spoken before
I know "I'll see you around"
Means Mybe well talk once more
Hey J Y
You got me so uptight
Oh no, my
I'm worried I might cry
from anxiety
In front of class to speak
And your across the seats
Behind that other girl
Can you all see through me
Multiple classes
Same class crush
Didn't think I'd ever run into you this much

Oh J Y
I stand in front of you
Tongue tied

Your beanie's falling off one side
of your face
Your shy, your tired eyes
Give an ominous grace
And I'm so behind
The shadow is mine
That you've only started to see
So hey J Y won't you ever be mine?

Oh no

Tell me if it's a lie

Sometimes a flannel or a loose white collard shirt
Are you looking like a pirate
or a period peice jerk?

1/25/2023 7:00pm

An icy black rose
A sparkle in your eyes.
A smile under the bags on mine
You have no idea how you brightened up my day, my night
Cleared the mist away
Made everything
The lightest air on your shoulders
An aura of peace
A skilled illustrator
I won't ask if you'll paint me
A brand new picture
Inspired with hope
When I saw your face I lowered my head
My smile was dopy
My hands all a mess
My heart went a flutter now I'm more of a wreck
Golden retriever black cat
Bat and a bird
Confused but not quite
Thanks for lightening up my night
I'm already planning
I must see you again.
After one look
One talk
One hour of my life

Unwanted in friends
I'll hide in the walls
You don't notice me missing
Don't answer my calls
Fall, winter, through it all
My friends have left me
Thus I have no one at all
Every attempt a feeble mistake
Every action I make
Every word that I say
Their heads shake
Am I an enigma
Created to drive those away
Why when I make platonic soul mates
Do they flee when I need them to stay
On this side of the world,
Alone once again
In a house full of faceless creatures
Who can't even pretend to be my friends

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