Part: 31 Bars

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7:54am 3/16/2024

There's a bird blocking the sunrise outside of the airport window
It's sillouette moves in short pecks and bursts hopping along the pole at the side of the plane
Where the bags moves to baggage claim
Beaming Rey's
Flight delays
And ignorant to it all fluffing out it's wings it stays
Moving about spreading its wings
Sunbathing as the sunrises
In the window behind me
It calls out a song
A morning belt
Opening its beak wide as it falls inside of the center of the sun
I can't look any longer the sun too bright the clouds above shadowed
A glorious sight
After a baited sleepless night
This bird inside the sun
I think it's wings are broken
As it sits there all content
Hasn't moved for 30 minutes
But if I were there I wouldn't
Sitting in a sunrise
At a place between all time and place
That bird with broken wings
Is watching giant creaturs fly away

3/24/2024 1:30pm
Forever Never Ever Class Crush

Dancing at a party I see you across the way. You take a girls hand and lead her over next to me.

I party with my friends but you nudge me the side
The sound of longing stares and the feels of locked eyes Just
when I turned around
You and her were making out
I'm not saying that I'm bothered you just did it for the clout.
In a way I'm kinda flattered that you lead her all that way
You must be begging for my energy always looking my way

Stayed in the zone
Played on my own
Girlfriends dance like drunk theature kids at restaurants
Your annoyed by the taunts try to vy for my grace

So I turned the other way

How's that for a taste of a
Forever never class crush
I probably made it obvious
So when I want my attention
I'm gonna save it for the
Next one
Forever never ever class crush

They said I can do better than a
2 star rush
Staring at the wall staring at my work
Time to get my head down and forget that jerk

Girl bossing all the way
Library's where I stay
Elle woods is watching me
From the land of girl bossery
Suit jackets and ties
Professional frats
Network my way up
Not distracted
Not gonna stop
Never let them top
Collecting skills
Perfect my kills
Never gonna drop
Never be crass

And one day I'll forget all about

Forever never gonna happen class crush
From my pedestal your jealousy is obvious
Not here to take it in
Just celebrate my win
Of successes and loving myself
I'd rather see myself with ANYBODY ELSE.
Than my forever

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